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Sven in court again

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:13 am
by Gus Givens
Sven Yarrell was back in court again today, amid allegations of trading mech parts to ConFed. A GalFed raid on a number of Sven's outlets confiscated a number of mech packs that had been traded to him, and found evidence that some components had been partly cannibalised so resources could be sold. The charity "Mechs for Peace" which had been buying mechs from Sven to give away to users of Intergalactic Relay Chat (IRC) reported that some of their beneficiaries had assembled mechs and sent them into the arena, only to find they did not detect or attack nearby mechs.

The judge warned Sven that if he was in court again for his shady business practices, he would be likely to face a prison sentence. Sven's lawyer pleaded insanity, claiming Sven had been unbalanced by the sight of captains handing over huge numbers of high-value crystals in exchange for data cubes. The judge conceded that Sven had a very strong case, which was locked and made of steel and had just been delivered to his chambers, and agreed to defer sentencing indefinitely on condition Sven no longer receives or trades in any mech parts.

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