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Sven 'Court Case Upheld' - Sven to Pay!

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:09 am
by Gus Givens
by Coops on Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:48 am

It seems that Sven Yarrell is not having it all his own way this week. An 'unnamed' Settlement capitan took Mr Yarrell to court over the practise of fair trade and commerce. He was claiming that whilst Sven charged captains for the right to open a Sven Franchise on their promenades they should see some form of income from these stores.

A similar court case came to court a few months back relating to the business practices of Commercial Storage. This was thrown out in the opening statements and never made it any further.

The case against Mr Sven Yarrell has been upheld and the judge decided that Sven should pay 18% of the barter value per item bartered to Sven on any settlement.

This means that from an hour ago any items bartered to Sven's will gain the settlement in question 180 credits per barter point. With over 7000 items being bartered in the opening week of business since Sven's major relaunch many settlement captains will find this a welcome addition to their settlement finances.

ISN Reporter.

This reporter needs to make it clear for legal reasons : Items Purchased from Sven using barter points will not gain said settlement any funds from the purchase.