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C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:44 pm
by Diarri
I got this message:

Charges have been levied for the storage of your commodities at Commercial Stores. The current outstanding amount is now 50 Credits. At this time you do not have the finaces in your Bank account to pay this charge. Under section A1/b of the payment and storage charter all commercial store offices have been informed to refuse you entrance until the current bill is paid.
We will attempt to collect the outstanding bill within the next 24 hours. If sucsessful you will once again have full access to Commercial Storage and its facilities.

Well, I'm a newbie and I'm still learning the interface so I suppose I just clicked something by accident. From what I understand at some point I sent something to Commercial Stores (maybe when I was at Refinery?). Since I have money in the bank right now the bill should be collected soon. But does it mean there is something of mine stored somewhere? ;) How can I check this?

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:49 pm
by jcheung
enter commercial store: view all (left side)

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:02 pm
by Diarri
Oh, I found it, thank you :) I was able to pay immediately and I can see what it is and where I can take it from. And I was right - by accident I sent ore from refinery. Thank you again.

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:35 pm
by Diarri
Again me with continuation :oops:

So I actually found my ore in Commercial Store Transport but how I can load it again into my ship? There is only option of transfering it into another station. When I do it, it's still in CST and with no option to take it (even when I'm on the exact same station the cargo is).

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:42 pm
by Shinter
Instead of going into Commercial Store Transport, just go into Commercial Storage itself - Transport is how you send it to other locations, but you can go into the storage itself and pick it up into your ship. It should be pretty straight-forward to do so, but feel free to ask if you're still stuck - or jump into chat where someone is bound to be around to help :)

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:55 pm
by Diarri
But this is the problem: I go into Commercial Storage, I enter and there is nothing. When I click "View all store contents", I can see my ore being on the list at the same place I'm in (but only on the list, without option to do anything). I know I have to be doing something wrong here... :oops:

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:07 pm
by Shinter
Click the other button - Enter Commercial Storage. That's the one that takes you into the local one, rather than a list of where all your stuff is.

Once inside, click the View All Items button to see your goods.

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:32 pm
by jcheung
heh, my apologies, i thought you already knew where the normal CS was, would have given you more info if i had known...

drop by the chat, we don't bite... much?

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:24 am
by Diarri
Thanks all, finally made it :lol: I had to have some kind of blackout... :oops: I just didn't see "View all" as clickable option, just a part of tab. Only when I logged in through my phone it suddenly was obvious. Anyway - problem solved, thanks for patience.

Re: C.S. Payment FAILURE?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:31 am
by Coops
Diarri wrote:Only when I logged in through my phone it suddenly was obvious. Anyway - problem solved, thanks for patience.
Slightly off topic to your questions, which I'm pleased was resolved, please note that whilst you 'may' play CE on a tablet or phone we do not support these browser types. Read more Here : viewtopic.php?f=32&t=515

Just a heads up.
