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Crafting changes

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:00 pm
by siddharth
I recently crafted 8 expance hub after the crafting changes took effect . which gave me aprox 6m exp or less with full 30x exp booster
the kuba site told of 6 hub for 7,698,000 exp without exp boosters .
so that is a big reduction in return . also linking witth joe think is a good idea but sure wish atleast for complex craft there be some bump on exp return which took alien derelict or some rare items as a crafter we spend lot of cr and talas into design and look forward to using the learned craft multiple times :) so we raise up in faction in it .
so can we atleast get some percentage more in crafting exp based on faction rank if exp is reduced for most of the craft overall for all crafts
so as you raise in the rank of crafting might get better returns

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:58 pm
by Darakhoranon
If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting to make crafting exp (partially) dependent on how easy it is to get the required resources (i.e. rare/alien resources in a schematic make it worth more exp)? Sounds reasonable to me.

And getting more faction rank from schematics requiring rare/alien resources? Also sounds reasonable.

But more exp for experienced crafters (i.e. those with a high faction rank)? Wouldn't that kind of defeat the idea of making the highest levels of experience/faction rank hardest to reach? Maybe instead add something like the random things Ashar/Union occasionally send your way - i.e. if you reach certain faction ranks, there's a chance to get some extra resources (or even very, VERY rarely a free schematic?).

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:37 am
by siddharth
But more exp for experienced crafters (i.e. those with a high faction rank)? Wouldn't
that kind of defeat the idea of making the highest levels of experience/faction rank
hardest to reach? "

idea was if you suppose a1 rank you got *1 to joe exp if a2 you got *1.1 so as you go higher the ladder the exp of doing same craft will rise
it also give insative to players to raise factions and keep working on the crafting .
lower faction means you get less exp so you level up same as all level up in games as more you get ahead more exp you need to level up in game or faction .

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:29 am
by Darakhoranon
So essentially a "reward" for people focusing on crafting? Hmm, might work, but I'd restrict it so that someone just "dabbling" in a little crafting shouldn't get (much) out of this, while a dedicated crafter (which, as far as I know, isn't really the most "efficient" career choice in the first place) sees a definite advantage.
In other words, if your suggestion was implemented in a way that made crafting a "better" career choice but only if you focus on it to a certain degree, I think this could improve the game.

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:24 pm
by Pablem
I'd craft even if there wasn't any experience in it. I'd just charge more to my customers to make up for other lost rewards.

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:29 pm
by siddharth
" I'd craft even if there wasn't any experience in it. I'd just charge more to my
customers to make up for other lost rewards. "

that is just gone start the endless topic of what is better exp vs cr lol . personal choice I alyes went for exp and done my crafting for free . . as I try to give best deal to my friends and what better then free crafting if they gather resources.
its just gone cut down on crafter return more work and less reward get out of it from now on in exp .

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:17 pm
by Tye Dagget
Wait, I am confused. A few days ago, Coops posted the following:
The crafting matrix for CE and its XP reward was borked to say the least. Well as of today that matrix is linked to the value of the resources in the build.

This affects every single build in the game and will rebalance them. Low level small cost items will reward small level XP, right up and through to the large expensive builds, XP will be rated against the (base) value of resources within.
The way I read this, low level builds ought to give less xp and credits and things like hubs should provide more. So, when I used to use my rather pathetic craft skill to spam-craft cheap, easy to build, modules in bulk for big xp payoffs, this is no longer possible, and only those who have truly sunk the IP into crafting skills can actually reap big rewards from it. That seemed completely logical and fair, to me (even though, I had admittedly taken advantage of how it worked in the past).

Are you guys saying it still doesn't work that way, even after the change? :?

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:08 am
by Pablem
Tye, I don't think that is what was being said. I haven't done any hard comparisons because I never really kept details on the experience from crafting. By borked I think Coops meant it was rather random. I know that Novagens were great for experience compared to say Edens, even though Edens cost a lot more to make.

What I think the thread started as was "crafting is less rewarding to the experience side now" and a suggestion on how to scale it, then it started to digress.

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:45 am
by Tye Dagget
Ah, I misunderstood then. My apologies. :oops:

Re: Crafting changes

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:28 am
by momal
Thank you. I am glad that you read these things. I already saw it, and I want to say thank you very much. It is completely obvious on a small screen now.