Shake & Bake (Real Time) - SMC / SBMC

This sections holds information on reaching Settlement Level Six and Beyond with your Settlement. 'General discussion' on settlements should be held elsewhere.
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Shake & Bake (Real Time) - SMC / SBMC

Post by Coops »

I thought it was worth outlining what to expect from both the SMC and SBMC. That's Starship Manufacturing Center and Star Base Hub Manufacturing Center. Both these items are buildings placed on Level Six settlements. In each case the settlement owner needs to have chosen the required specialization before doing so.

Shake & Bake
This refers to the fact that both the SMC and SBMC use a real time 'add items and cook' type approach. Both with ships and starbase hubs depending on what components you add will greatly affect the cook time. These types of things you will find out for yourself, but its worth noting that you won't be pumping out ship after ship in a single sitting :)

Starship Manufacturing Center
Player Made Ships are manufactured using the SMC. You will need at least One Chassis, one Frame and to choose at least one type of Armour Compound. You will also find slots to add various modules. Currently there are 40 variation of modules, chassis and frames. This allows for a myriad of ship end builds. Of course each choice has cost and time involved but again we will let you figure that out.

Star Base Hub Manufacturing Center
Starbases are large behemoth creations that require 10 Starbase Hubs to initialize the final deployment process. A SBMC allows the settlement owner to manufacture Starbase Hubs to your specifications. Each Hub they build can be built from a selection of 23 Hub components.

Each component will in turn affect the overall properties of the finalized Starbase. This means you will need to consider carefully the cost versus the end reward when deployment time comes. Skimp on Hub sections and you may save initially but loose out later.

There is a balance between a Chassis and Frame, then the additional Ecosystem, Recycling, Housing, Engineering and Science systems.

Players will need to work closely with each other to ensure that the Buyer gets as close as possible to the desired Ship or Star base Hub they require. Ships & Hubs take Real time to cook, so if you want the best be prepared to not only pay for it but also wait for it.

Owners of SMC or SBMC facilities also get a Free store on their promenade. This enables them to use its automated store room that's fed directly from the manufacturing process to hold ships and hubs.

At any time a player can then enter their store room and review, price and move to the sales room. Players can also set private contracts for 'pickup'. This should aid in ensuring players can work together to make sure they get what they ordered.

Coops, Jul 10, 2012
A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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