The Galactic Buyers Market has been around for a VERY long time. It enables captains to place contract requests for Resources. Allowing others to fill them piecemeal or in one go based on what you have available to spare.
The Captain setting the contract sets the amount and the Cost they are willing to pay per it item. Their credits are then held in escrow by the GBM and paid to the depositors as and when they fill /part fill a contract.
The Captain placing the contract can return to any GBM and remove any resources added up to that point, or if the contract is fulfilled, remove the full amount. You can also cancel the contract at any time and get back what remains of your escrowed funds.
OK, Coops we already know that...
Whats new is that we have added a GBM Misc section. There are currently over 1300 Misc based loot items that players need at one time or another to located, produce for an NPC or needed in some project or other.
This is often a problem for a new user as other than posting in discord, waiving a flag or generally hanging out and hoping to get lucky looking under every dead ship they kill, it's pot luck what Misc loot you get. Now many of you have been paying for years and have a large mountain of the stuff causing your Secure Store to begin to bulge.
So I bring you the GBM Misc section. You can locate it by visiting the normal links and locations you do for the GBM. You will find a new bar at the top of the GM to navigate between Resources and Misc. Furthermore, you can treat this new Misc option the same way you do contracts with the GBM resource side.
The ONLY difference is that the Misc items are taken from your Secure Store and when you collect them they go to the Secure Store. But as you can access any items anywhere in the Universe from any Secure store, that's not a hardship.
The base values for misc items are set either by the based value in game (in certain locations) or have a set basement value. You can't go lower than this, the same way you can't low ball the GBM resources contracts.
But now, if you desperately need 5 Blown Power Couplings, you know where to ask for them!!!
Footnote: I've been asked for this type of request for a long time, ever since we in fact added the GBM and over time I've resisted, but recently I've seen a fair number of new players shouting for XY and Z and after a chat with the staff decided now was the time, and NO I won't be adding a GBM for ship based items. CE is Vast when it comes to items, and it would require a real work of art to make it work properly, not to mention neither myself nor the staff thought that was a good idea.
GBM Gets an Upgrade
GBM Gets an Upgrade
A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!