Augusta Reclaimed

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Gabby Newsome
CE ISN Reporter
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Augusta Reclaimed

Post by Gabby Newsome »

This is Gabby Newsome with the News You Can Use!

I'm excited to report that the planet Augusta has been retaken from the A.I.! Coalition forces launched a daring assault on the planet last week, in the final phase of stage 10, and they were able to quickly overwhelm the A.I.'s remaining defenses.

Augusta was a unique and beautiful planet, with vast oceans that cover most of its surface. The landmasses are made of a rock similar to coal, with thin strips of soil near the water's edge where flora grows.

Augusta is home to a diverse range of marine life, but most of it is hidden from view. The planet's atmosphere contains a quantaflux inhibiting agent that creates the illusion of a barren planet with brown oceans.

Despite its appearance, Augusta is a peaceful and beautiful planet. The Coalition forces are now beginning the process of rebuilding the planet and helping the people of Augusta to return to their homes and rebuild their lives. Unfortunately the death toll was once again staggering and there are few of the original settlers remaining.

The liberation of Augusta is a major victory for the Coalition, and it brings us one step closer to defeating the A.I. It is also a sign of hope for the future. Augusta is a reminder that even the most barren and desolate planets can be reborn.

[Sound effects of birds chirping and water flowing]

The liberation of Augusta is a victory for all of us. It is a victory for freedom, for hope, and for a better future.

[Sound effects of cheering and applause]

This is Gabby Newsome, signing off.
Star Field Reporter - ISN NEWS
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