Suggest Something New...

Make a suggestion & let the community sound it out. Almost all the best activities in game came initially from a player suggestion!
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by TechnoBeast »

Ohh... That would be super helpful when you are seeing what to keep and sell, as you would not have to check each and then go back to sell it, unless you are checking skill level, but that is not as important as seeing if it is better than you have overall.
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by Fitzbacon »

That looks splendid !

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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by pikolinianita »

ey, I have Flux Wolfe Meson Laser ADV-1785 too! but seriously, very good thing :)
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by Coops »

OK completed ALL the pages in the 'Your Schematics' View. Hopefully every one likes the change :)
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by pikolinianita »

We have new trade resources. Can we have a mark somewhere, that "Here are dragons"? (You did add Vandzi dragons as Trade goods, didn't you?)

We can have it on the main screen, as an icon on a planet, similar to the "Settlement Possible" guy-sign; or on Map pop-up, like ORSA or GBM (I think it is ORSA and GBM, lol)
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by DrOvonar »

Could we have the following Coops : Hoathlan Enterprises / U.S.A staff agency / Rapport contract npcs. The Forge - Zarante system would be ideal location as N.E.I destination.
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Adding Fuel Depots to the CE Finder

Post by LoopyLaura »

Hoping that it's not too much work and can be easily remedied, could you add the Fuel Depots to the CE Finder please.
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by Elkhorn »

Is there a way to place the Rapport mining contract status on one of the mining screens or on a bar. X out of XXX ores?
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by MarcSp »

@DrOvonar, welcome to the Forge neighborhood!
But yes, a few more NPC's in the Forge would be nice, there are only 4 NPCs in the entire galaxy. Anvil too.

And as a new idea: how about a project to construct new JUMP GATES, perhaps in one of the dead end systems in both
Forge and Anvil. This would allow you to expand both galaxies in size by adding new systems. Honestly both Forge and Anvil
are kinda small to be considered galaxies.
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by DrOvonar »

I am back again Coops! :)
The following request is about giving us more time to spend on more important tasks and improving game play for all.
Adding a drop down menu to the view on required resources for Genesis allocation page.(Other than going there in person and back again to pick up the resources needed.) This would enable us to see that information from distance and plan accordingly as each planet resources are different in most cases.
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