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Harvesters revisited

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:30 pm
by blackbeard
I can't help feeling that Harvesters need a buff, they just don't fall into line with other mining options. With extractors you can cherry pick resources, mining asteroids you get a selection of results and can collect those most useful to you and discard the rest. The barge gives you a wide spread of resources, and you can upgrade the resource level, and limit what level you mine. I haven't used drones, but I am sure they are probably much in line with manual mining at higher levels.

The Harvester is an outlier, you mine one random resource, and unless you have the patience to add small amounts of fuel until you hit one you like, you take what you get. However unless you want to actually visit the harvester location, you have to fill the tank if you do it remotely, unless you limit the fuel you draw from in storage.

It seems that the Harvester is ripe for certification treatment. Either create a whole new specific certification, or simply tie it to your refining or mining cert level, or both.

You could have increased certification level increase the number of simultaneous resources gathered up to a cap, say 5 or 6 different at one time. If you tie it to both cert levels, you could increase resource level, allow for the specifying of what resource or resource level to harvest, or simply increase the chances of finding high value resources.

Nebular mining is a part of the game, but it really seems like the poor cousin to all other mining options. Frankly, if you have a settlement, a corporation, a mining barge, a genesis plot, and what other varied game components you currently manage, who has time to muddle around part filling harvesters in search of decent resources?

Re: Harvesters revisited

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:44 pm
by Yokose
This sounds like a great idea... I like it! I'm one of those who will just take what I get as I find it cumbersome to trickle my fuel just to find what I'd like to get. This is probably the main reason why I do not use my harvesters to often. It would be great if the harvesters could mine more than one resource like the OP suggested with certifications or through your skill levels. Another idea could be that entirely new harvesters with the ability to harvest multiple resources at once could be created. I indeed like this idea! Have a great time playing everyone!

Captain, Yokose