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Haulage Hijinks?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:33 pm
by Gabby Newsome
Hello fellow spacefarers, it’s Gabby Newsome with the News You Can Use!

Today I bring you a story that has been developing over a couple of years.

A little over two and a half years ago a whistle-blower from the Inner Galactic Haulers Union (IGHU) stepped forward claiming massive graft, corruption and bribery galaxy wide. He quickly disappeared from the scene and the story died.

What happened was the whistle-blower was taken into protective custody while the Anti Corruption Task Force (ACTF) set about investigating the claims. It took some time for them to get a few agents undercover into the organization. The agents worked their way up in the organization. They have been quietly collecting evidence and my sources inside the agency tell me that the claims appear to have been true!

My source said arrest warrants are being prepared but that due to the high level of some of the members involved they are moving slowly to ensure they have everything airtight, but arrests are imminent!

Officials at the IGHU are “out of the office” and refuse to return my calls.

This is Gabby Newsome, signing off.