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Starbases Stalled?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 4:52 pm
by Gabby Newsome
Hello fellow spacefarers! It’s Gabby Newsome here with the News You Can Use.

You may have noticed that news on the starbase front has been rather quiet. We reached out to mega Trillionaire Meelon Trusk and asked him his thoughts on what is causing the stagnation.

MT: Well Gabby it’s a matter of both economics and scale first of all, then you add a little bit of bureaucracy in and things really begin to grind down.

GN: What do you mean?

MT: Well, first of all, starbases are very unique. It was determined that they couldn’t be operated by simple USA staff. A hold was put on all hiring until a Union could be formed and staffed and a training program could be developed. All that takes time, and money. The SSU, Starbase Staffing Union is now in full swing and ready to offer skilled employees to starbase owners.

GN: That’s great to hear. But I understand that isn’t the only issue?

MT: Right you are. The sheer magnitude of these starbases with their specialized modules was more complex than first realized. Some of the prototype modules failed in their first live tests and had to be redesigned. The authorities want to make sure that there are fail-safes on the fail-safes to ensure there are no major accidents or loss of life on these things.

GN: I understand there were also some issues with armament?

MT: Armament and shielding as well as available repair technologies. You see Gal-Fed and the other authorities realize the starbases have to be able to defend themselves but, they also want to be able to have the power to take one out if necessary! The paranoia up there is incredible. What if a starbase goes rogue? Well, it’s not like it’s going to fly around the universe shooting things up, but they are the authorities and they demanded certain caps be placed on the starbase's offensive capabilities.

GN: Okay, so have these things been worked out?

MT: Mostly. There is still some heavy work to do in several key areas; the reclamation modules in the sanitation units are still having some issues and there are several other relatively minor issues in many of the other modules. While they are minor, they still need to be worked out before the authorities are ready to proceed.

GN: So, there is light at the end of the tunnel?

MT: Absolutely! There are still hurdles to overcome and there are Captains on the edge of buying into starbases, but they want to see some movement before they commit. Captains already operating starbases can count on seeing some movement soon. I can’t say exactly when, but soon.

GN: Thank you for your time Mr. Trusk. So there you have it folks. As with any major project there are bound to be issues. Hopefully everything will be resolved soon.

This is Gabby Newsome, signing off.