I’ve been able to create a rough timeline from the recovered contents of the data chips. There are portions missing or corrupted but this should give a general idea of our history.
600 (CORE) Years Ago
Deep Core Mining launches the first series of deep asteroid mining robotic systems.
Gleso Industries builds the first earth orbital refineries.
OFC Technologies lands the first humans on Mars and forms the first Human colony on another world.
Arc-Light Projects Begins testing first test trials of their 'Stellar Drive'.
Corporate cyber crimes increase whilst many companies are swallowed up by the three dominant corporations, Gleso Industries, DarkLight Labs and OFC Technologies
Cyber Crimes Division Atlanta is given planet wide remit to enforce Cyber crime laws.
OFC Technologies built the first Eden Orbital Habitat. Each E.O.H is capable of housing 250,000 humans. Bio Domes and recycling latest technology make them virtually self supporting.
500 (CORE) Years Ago
OFC Technologies create and deploy large scale mining equipment on Mars. Large industrial complex is under way.
Global Health Management is formed and given control over food, water and energy production and the dissemination planet wide.
Anti corporation Alliance for Mankind bomb GHM Boston killing 400 employees.
E.O.H Three and Four go online.
Alliance for Mankind sabotages EOH Five & Six whilst in near earth construction phase, total cost estimated at 5 Trillion Credits. Alliance for Mankind become earth’s most wanted terrorist group.
Arc-Light Projects Stellar Division completed work on the Stellar Drive prototype.
Back on Earth the Federal Union is formed containing the US, Canada and South America.
Japan joins Asian Alliance two days after India & Pakistan's 10 day war. Over 15 Million killed in ‘Ten Day War’.
Arc-Light Projects, Stellar Division copyright upheld of Stellar Drive in Federal court. Drive now commercially available for sale.
Ashar Shipping begins weekly shipping runs to Mars.
Deep Star Creations designs and begins developing long range scientific scout ships.
First Federal Union backed research vessels leave earth orbit on their journey to the Kuiper Belt.
450 (CORE) Years Ago
Power struggle takes place on Earth as resources, food and space become a premium. New planetary laws passed on population control and health care.
Federal Union begins large scale Military space ship construction in orbit of Earth. At the same time forms New Earth Defense (NED). Primary role to enforce safety of ships now traveling to and from the Moon and Mars colonies.
Gleso Industries launches a large-scale mining project in the Kuiper Belt. Ships sent to set up Mining Outposts in the Belt itself.
RG-9, one of Genesis Medical geo-orbital research labs is destroyed in Terrorist attack. Alliance for Mankind claims responsibility.
Mars attempts to split from Earth control and forms Mars Independence. OFC Technologies ask for assistance in rebellion citing investment in the trillions of dollars. New Earth Defense forces dispatched to bring order to Mars.
First Space battle fought. Mars orbital defenses overrun and New Earth Defense forces make landings at New Mars space port. Space Marines take back control of Mars central in little under three days. Loss of life is extensive. OFC Technologies ask for a permanent NED marine force to be deployed on Mars.
Mars Independence has large support from the population's worker force and becomes acknowledged as a political party on Mars.
Space Marine Corp expands to policing all Space and Orbital locations.
450 (CORE) Years Ago
Earth Defense Forces created as Asian Alliance, Federal Union and Russian Federation sign a peace pact. N.E.D disbanded, troops and vessels absorbed into Earth Defense Forces.
Arc-Light Projects Stellar Division has a breakthrough in their Stellar Engine design.
Mining stations created in orbit of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune
Ancient 'Jump Gate' discovered past the Kuiper Belt.
Ten years of extensive research and they finally crack how to activate the Jump gate!
Explorers League formed (multi national) and scout ships sent to investigate what's beyond the Jump Gate.
400 (CORE) Years Ago
First Explorers League ships return with news of vast amounts of habitable planets within relatively easy reach though the initial mapped Jump Gates.
Second major space race begins. Leads to the formation of half a dozen political and corporate groups. Each set about creating long range scouts and they set to work building ARK ships.
The ARK's are completed and each Faction sends them through the Jump gates. Mission: To find new habitable locations for humans. Ships sent to many of the nominated systems and planets within reach of the mapped jump gate network.
FORMATION of Gal-Fed, Confed, and the Alliance in the Sphere. Each faction marked out its own early territories with support ships arriving each month from earth. (See Sphere Timeline Split below)
The core governments decide that due to rising crime, antisocial uprisings and militant forces becoming far too powerful, to begin to pass laws that allow any factions to deport (transport) undesirables to the Sphere.
250 (CORE) Years Ago
The core decides that they should enforce a one way transit to the Sphere. A blockade force is put in place to ensure traffic is one way to the sphere with no return. This forms the annexation of the Sphere.
100 - (Core) Years Ago
A.I mainframe Deep Blue becomes self aware and uses drones and robotic forces to launch an all out attack on humanity in the Core. A war between Humans and the A.I forces rages on for 10 years, before a final dramatic closely fought battle between all of the remaining Human Factions drives the last A.I battle fleet deep into the Helix Nebula.
400 (SPHERE) Years Ago
Ark ships spread throughout the now known Five Galaxies - Sphere, Anvil, Forge, Verec-per and Furnace. Gal-Fed, Confed, and the Alliance ships from earth all map out their own systems and begin to spread and diversify through expansion.
250 (SPHERE) Years Ago
Gal-Fed begins to send what appears to be unwanted citizens of the Core through on transport ships to the Sphere. The sphere puts these new visitors to the Sphere to work and gives them a small ship, a privateer license and a stipend. Then sends them out to aid in the expansion and forming of humans in the Sphere.
Transits to the Core are now restricted. All attempts to return home have been met with the loss of all vessels. Over time the lure of returning is less of a draw and in due course the gate to the Core is closed for outbound traffic. The 'Rejects' from the core still arrive sporadically but there seems to be little that anyone can do to stop this.
250 (SPHERE) Years Ago
It's unclear what caused the issue but both the Furnace and Verec-Per Galactic JumpGates stop functioning. Both Galaxies are annexed until much later.
The following is from our own archives, not the data chips.
10 (SPHERE) Years Ago
Ships transit into the Expanse. Humans encounter the first true Aliens. In a major disaster several planets' populations were destroyed due to the use of common Human Pulse Wave Technology. This caused the Javorans to become our Blood Enemies and to this day are still at war with Humans.
Turns out the Javorians are a genetic distant cousin to the much older Naristro. An elder race who breed the Javorians as a workforce. Sadly things did not go well for the Naristro as their creation had other thoughts. To this day the Javorians and Naristro coexist in the Expanse. Humans no longer use Pulse Wave Technology in the Expanse.
Through extensive research gates to both the Furnace and vP are re-opend within a few years of each other. During the 200+ years both Galaxies have fared very differently and the reintegration process begins.
5 (SPHERE) Years Ago
A.I Ships begin to enter through the local Nebula in the Five human settled Galaxies. They seem hell bent on destroying all human life and go about creating footholds in the systems they first appeared in. The military might of the three factions called on all and anyone, to rally to the call and the A.I are finally held back. Several planets are lost to the A.I but so far they have not progressed further than the Nebula systems.
As I said, there are some holes, some data missing, but this gives us a sense of our history.
Recovered Time-line
- Historical Archives
- Posts: 114
- Joined: Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:22 am
Recovered Time-line
Dana Dawson
Data Recovery Tech
Historical Archives Division
Data Recovery Tech
Historical Archives Division