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Treasure or Trash?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:48 pm
by Gabby Newsome
Hello fellow spacefarers. Gabby Newsome here with the news you can use.

Too many mining lasers lining your promenade? Enough salvage cutters to slice and dice a Gal-Fed battleship? Is your hull straining at the seams with unsold cargo expanders?

Well, you can finally do something about it!

Many years ago in an effort to bolster the pockets of a few trillionaires, and in return receive some nice kickba… err campaign donations, Gal-fed placed a moratorium on the sale of certain captains gear on the open market. This forced captains to buy their gear from a “reputable” dealer.

Advances in salvage technology have caused these items to multiply like ribblez in an ice cream factory.

The Captains Coalition petitioned the Governments for a stay on the moratorium and just recently it was granted!

You can now unload some of those unwanted items. The prices aren’t great, but it could give you breathing room to collect more useful? items.

Just be careful and don’t sell off that pristine overcharged gatling that you are just waiting to level so you can equip it!

You can read the particulars of the stay over here. viewtopic.php?f=32&t=3778

This is Gabby Newsome, signing off.