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Re: How NOT to plan a starbase

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 6:21 pm
by alumoi
As I'm on my last dying breath..., I mean on my last million units of resources needed, let's discuss the real cost.

KubaF's wonderful site gives you a total of 2,999,214,190 credits for the 10 hubs needed and 21,400,730 units of resources. Add 20,000 units of Unstable Infernanium at 4,400,000 credits and you have the baseline figure.

Bearing in mind that about half of the resources can not be bought from shops or traded at Sven, set aside about 10 billions. That's 6,617,719,830 credits for resources bought from the stores, the rest for GBM, player to player trade an such. It won't hurt if you have a fully developed Genesis plot and had the presence of mind to transfer resources from it (I didn't).

Of course, if you are a hoarder like me, the cost will be around 5-6 billions. Don't be afraid to use the foundry, Sven, refineries, Gleso and all other NPCs where you can trade for resources or manufacture them.

And that's only the resources. Add 2,5 billion for the license (and another one for good measure) and you're good to go.

So, bottom line is: don't even think of building a starbase if you don't have at least 12 billion to spare (and another 1 or, maybe, 2 in reserve).

BTW, Coops, I demand we could name our starbases. Mine will be SinkHole :D

Re: How NOT to plan a starbase

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:28 pm
by Elkhorn
I will throw in my two cents here as I am one of the few solo players with a Star base. I went all in and bought EVERY level of star base construction schematics. Yup I can build you a "cheap" star base hub! Schematics alone were 3.5 billion. I was once a rich player, lol.
I did it solely for the prestige, the experience and the women! Hey babe, wanna see my star base?
Anyway, it is a HUGE undertaking. COOPS ranted about the cost of these damn things till I got tired of reading it. So, if you don't head the warnings, you get what you got coming.
Glad to see other captains taking the plunge and I wish you all the best!
P.S. every add-on will cost you dearly and the add-ons are necessary to grow your star base and survive to make a profit in the FAR, FAR, FAR future.
Anyway, the moral of the story is, if you are going to do a Star Base, hire a professional to do the construction. It will save you a few billion credits.
aka "professional" star base construction engineer.
aka "Star bases for cheaper"

Re: How NOT to plan a starbase

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:33 am
by alumoi
He's not kidding, you know.
(Apart from the shamless self-promoting) he's good: decent price, genuine OEM parts, free delivery from the manufacturing center to the sales office. He'll even paint a free FU on my second hub for cheating him out of the XP by crafting my own components.

Re: How NOT to plan a starbase

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:53 pm
by Elkhorn
I believe that was a self promotion from the Fabricators Union.
I'll have a chat with them.