Genesis Transfer Boost

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Genesis Transfer Boost

Post by Coops »

It's been a while since I looked back at certain sections of the game and a gentle nudge in the ribs (well actually more of a 2by4 across the chest) lead me to take a fresh look at Genesis Transfer limits. As it stands, you start with X and can add 50 a time by researching each level. But one you max out at 750 that's it.

Now, 750 a day is OK if you're logging in each day and moving items around for small scale build projects, but with some builds these days need judiciously large amounts of QGM type resources that 750 can seem like a small amount.

So here we have the Genesis Transfer Account Boost. You can purchase it in the CE Store and show your support, or you can grab it using your VIP points. You can ONLY grab it once, so choose with care.

The Boost will show up in the Genesis Transfer Window and shows as a 1,000+ boost to your existing transfer daily amount.
Yup, that's 1,000 EXTRA transfer limits adding to what ever your existing limit is.

You can thank a player dogged suggestion for this one.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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