Starbase Bank Funding

Starbases - A long time coming but the pinnacle of achievement for any Guild or Captain. Information as its released will be collated here in this section.
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Starbase Bank Funding

Post by Coops »

Once a Starbase is deployed the most important thing to do is add funds to its Bank account!

Starbases have their own accounts and these are funded via the Escrow accounts. These are the same escrow accounts that were used to bid on the starbase license. So if you are an Individual who won and deployed a starbase, the funding for the Starbase account can be topped up using your 'Personal escrow' account. If you deployed on behalf of a guild, then inversely your funding can be topped up via the Guild escrow account.

Either way you will need to ensure the Starbase Bank account is swimming in enough cash to keep it operational. During the early period of starbase deployment the actual 'Credit cost' ticker will not run. But once I announce it and activate it you will begin to be billed on a daily basis. The costs 'Financially' for a Starbase are reflected Top right on the main header. This is the DAILY cost and will be taken from your Starbase account each day around Midnight (Game Time).

The daily running costs of a starbase WILL GO UP as you deploy and expand your Starbase. The Starbase Finances screen will also give you a timescale figure based on a current snapshot. This will take some of the maths out of it for you, enabling you to see 'how many days' funding you have in your Starbase Account.

Of course the reverse is true and should you ever start to make money with your starbase or simply need to remove funds for another task you CAN remove funds FROM the Starbase Bank account into the respective Personal, or Guild Escrow account.

Listed at the bottom of the Starbase Finances screen you will see a break-down of the Income and Outgoings for the Starbase for that current billing period. Some of these are obvious like the 'Daily Running Costs', others like Maintenance Overhead, Repair Overhead and Station Policing will become more apparent as time goes on.

There are sections left 'Offline' these will go online and become part of the Starbase funding as and when you deploy and utilise other sections of the starbase over time. At the VERY Bottom of this screen you can see there are two end figures Total Daily Expenditure & Total Daily Incoming. Hopefully this will take some of the guess work out of the system as you progress down the Starbase rabbit hole :)

PLEASE NOTE: Daily Running Costs are just the initial deployment costs plus the ongoing costs as you deploy more buildings. Over time a lot more costs will be included as indicated on this page.

This post will be added too as more Starbase functionality is added and released.


Last edited 27/05/21
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