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Mining Barge: Increase Max Distance for Mass Transfer of Ore

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 4:51 pm
by Daemon
The Barge can already jump different galaxies (expanse pending but keeping my fingers crossed that this will be implemented in the future)/systems using the transit option. However, the transfer option in the Ore store section of the mining barge is just 60. We have plenty of reserved abilities in the Ability Tab of the barge so maybe we can use one of them? If this is not possible, then how about increasing the range of the mass transfer using the Navigation skill in the A.I Mining Bot Skills? So increasing Navigation will not only increase the range of the jump of the barge but also the range for the mass transfer of ore.

Re: Mining Barge: Increase Max Distance for Mass Transfer of Ore

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:33 pm
by Halmir
Or, if you enable the jump range extension skill, it increases the transfer distance possible as long as that skill is equipped as it is a primary skill.

Re: Mining Barge: Increase Max Distance for Mass Transfer of Ore

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:35 pm
by Akkamaddi
This has been brought up a few times. Personally, I would love to be able to drop my barge at Farpoint and have it ship ores to Wall of Scrolls.

The question in the past is, does it tie directly to navigation, or to a reserved skill?

My personal answer is: Why not both?
Have the ore transfer naturally increase by 0.5% of the navigation jump range, beyond the base 60. Then, have an open skill that boosts the transfer rate by +5%. (This may not seem like a lot, but my navigation skill is 6001 and my range is 3100. The range grows quickly.) Have a second skill that is a CES skill (because CES store purchases make you happier, more attractive to the desired gender, and forgive menial sins so you get into Heaven) that boosts the range by +10%. If you make these cumulative, you can get a range of 15.5% your navigation. In my case, the Astro Rabbit could send ore (480+60) 540 light years, which is respectable. Even without a store purchase, a distance of (170+60) 230 would be a very useful range.

A caveat that has been brought up, and would require a bit of programming: We would need to be able to pin preferred ports that appear on the top of the ore shipping destination list. Perhaps you could start with one and get another port pin each time your navigation goes up a tier (assuming it works on tiers, or just make up tiers for this). Otherwise, if the Astro Rabbit has a shipping range of 230, scrolling through the list of ports would be a mess. If I could pin Wall of Scrolls, Red Fort, and Dragons Weyr so they are at the top of the list whenever they are in range, that would make things immensely easier. (Alternately, with the example above, you get one pint, one for the open skill, and one pin for the CES skill, maxing at three preferred destination, with a second CES reserved skill that gives you +5 port pins.)