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Engineering and Secure Store

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:58 am
by Coops
I had put this change off till I'd had a little more time to ponder the problem I faced. But this morning armed with some very strong coffee I set out and managed to complete it in a few hours.

Complete what Coops ?

Well it had been asked when we first started making Misc items be automatically placed in the Secure Store that the Engineering Facility looked in their for them Misc (Debris and such like). It was problematic due to how the system works but I managed to nail it down eventually.

Now when you engineer a MODULE you will see a message at the top of the page that displays what's required. It informs you that the Misc based items are taken directly from your Secure Store. Which is exactly what its doing now.

So as to NOT throw the entire engineering system in to chaos, that's the only section that looks for Misc based items so that's the only section I touched. (like coding in a minefield but I managed to come out intact).

eng1.PNG (201.19 KiB) Viewed 1203 times

Normal modules crafted still reside in your local ships craft section - you just no longer have to traipse back to the Secure Store search through the several 100 items of scrap you have in there and transfer them out. All done for you.

You can thank Akkamaddi for reminding me that was still on my 'to-do' list
