The Holiday Order

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The Holiday Order

Post by Pablem »

Some crafting jobs get a little monotonous, this is what my brain came up with while I was crafting the thousands of modules yesterday for this build. The main issues were true, and thank you to the captains who filled the anvil valacyte, gravimite, and isotopes order so well for me. Two of the generators were for an order and the third will soon appear on my emporium.
Location: Manufacturing Facility

Ready folks, we have 3 Deimos V3 generators on order. Looks like someone is upgrading a level 5 settlement. You all know the routine, I'll start knocking out the lowest level component batches, you guys move them out of the work area until we have what we need to make the next higher component.

So first up, 60 Tesla Generators..let's start with the Coil Units to make the Coil Series..perfect all going smoothly only a few hundred modules to juggle there. Good job on keeping those resources flowing!
Now on to the Generator Frames...let's start with Wall modules.. I know they're big, but you don't want to crush the power regulators.

10, 20, 30, ...That's right 720 walls, why are you asking me where to put them? That's your job, find a temporary place for them we'll start assembling the frames as soon as the power regulators are ready. Use the Civic Center if you have to, lean them against the walls, just keep the travel lanes clear. Behind that tree those taggers put up should be fine.

On to power regulators..2000 of them, boxed up in sets of 20 for you to make it easy. time consuming but easy.
Generator Frame Assembly and WHERES THE ANVIL VALACYTE? How can we be out? This order requires over 50,000 units and we have less than 5000? Logistics team get on the GBM and pump your sources. We'll switch over to the Initiators while we wait on the logistics guys....

A few hours later...
There's the anvil valacyte, lets start those frame assemblies...wait, what, why?
Yeah, I know the taggers were having fun last night, I thought they moved on to other places. No? They took the large wall panels and boxes of regulators as a challenging opportunity? Every wall panel is now painted as a giant gift box and the power regulators have been covered in glitter and hung as ornaments all over the promenade?

Um, there's nothing in the contract about required color scheme, so start bringing them in. These will be the most colorful Deimos generators we've ever put out.

I hope Grimes has a sense of humor.
Last edited by Pablem on Wed Dec 18, 2019 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shipbuilder Pablem Chief Entrepreneur, Citrus Enterprises
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Re: The Holiday Order

Post by Coops »

LOL - Poor old Grimes, the only Captain to have a gold spangly Settlement :) But it will look festive!
A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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