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Commercial Store Change

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:10 am
by Coops
When the Commercial Store screen was first instigated there were around 50+ resources in game. At that time the simple 'one view' list was sufficient and did the task. As resources and commodities grew we added extra buttons and features to make it easier and last year went to an 'Ajax Tabbed' system.

We are now up to 361 different types of items that can be stored in the Commercial Store. Whilst the ajax tabbed feature seems to work for some of us (namely those with fast PC's and wide broadband connections) it appears to be problematic for others.

So we undertook some testing and reviewed the situation. This lead to a change that was pushed to live today.
The new face of the CS is not that different but there are some KEY elements that should make life somewhat easier and far less 'wait, wait, wait'...

The CS view now defaults to a static page with non ajax tabs. This means entering the CS should be very quick compared to the up to 10-20 seconds some of you have been facing (sorry).

The view has standard tabs that ONLY access data for their own tabbed items. So no longer are you loading the entire store just to move a single item ect. The Exit to promenade links are also active on a successful move should you only want to move a single item or at the end of a set of moves wish to return direct to the promenade.

The additions to the landing screen is the 'Suggest / Look up' option. This allows you to look for the name of a resource and then go directly TO that resource (The suggest does NOT look at your cargo hold till you press the 'search for item' button, it is a suggest /lookup.

Essentially you could even do away with using the tabs if you wanted or your internet connection is slow or fragmented, using the lookup box.

Note: We know that making this change to CS will not please everyone, we realise that. But we have to cater to the majority and they were having issues with the existing system (including our own staff) so a change was made. We spent time talking to key players and worked though the best methods to give the quickest functions of the CS.

Lastly: If the Suggest / Look up code does not seem to work on your browser, please ensure you have done a full control-refresh of your browser cache. We found during testing that the code can be cached and required to be simply refreshed on 'some browsers'.
