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VIP Store Purchase: "Case of Petawatt Kola"

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:11 pm
by Akkamaddi
A random idea for the VIP store, possibly inspired by my currently empty pot of coffee. I have to address that.

Case of Petawatt Kola
VIP Points: 3
Captain Level: 70+
Instant effect, multi-purchase

“Captain… Captain? Captain, can you hear me? Captain, how many cans of Petawatt Kola did you drink!?!? That can’t be good for you! Captain, blink if you can hear me… Can you still blink?”

Petawatt Kola is charitably known as a “drink”, being lightly hydrated Caffeine³ flavored with a bit of Unstable Infernanium. It is used as a “study aid” in many universities, as well as a fuel booster and toilet cleaner.

When purchased, it takes instant effect. It is too volatile to store for later usage, so it is immediately shared by the captain’s staff and crew. The purchase can be made multiple times.

The current Certificate the captain is studying has 200 hours deducted from its completion time. If the certificate completes, the effect does not roll over to the next cert.

The current Genesis research the captain has initiated has 100 hours deducted from completion time. If the research completes, the effect does not roll over to the next Genesis research project.

The current Exile Foundry project being researched is immediately completed.

It is important to note that the effect is instant and one-time effect upon purchase, and the boost does not roll over to new research. It is incumbent upon the captain to use a Case of Petawatt Kola responsibly and ensure there is appropriate research queued.

Re: VIP Store Purchase: "Case of Petawatt Kola"

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:20 am
by Coops
Hmmmm - lol love my caffeine..

I'll need some feedback on this one before moving on as its a powerful add/consumable.
