Exile Support Tokens (E.S.T)

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Exile Support Tokens (E.S.T)

Post by Coops »

Exile Support Token (E.S.T)

So what is an Exile Support Token?

Well, there are 12 of these. Collect them and hand them into Coops. In turn, you will be awarded Gift Certificates for the full face value of the Tokens PLUS 25%!

There is one for each month of the year. So you can make an overall 25% profit by supporting Core-Exiles and buying our tokens.

Q: How many do I need to collect to hand in Coops?

A: A minimum of THREE UNIQUE tokens must be handed in. These can be in any order and any three months of the year. Of course the more you hand in over three the higher the value of the gift certificates you will be handed back.

The Tokens can be traded/swapped with other players like cards. But you need a minimum of Three unique tokens to hand in.

You MAY purchase tokens NOT for that month if you so wish - these are sold to allow for support in the game and giving us working capital to spend on advertising and services. Whilst giving you a major saving and investment plan should you choose to take part.

Once purchased the Tokens will be added to your account and appear in the Misc part of your ships store.

Thank you for your support!

Find the Monthly Tokens IN THE STORE HERE!

Please note: that due to the savings offered by these tokens (i can see some with their calculators out already) you WILL NOT be able to use the monthly discount offers from the CE Store. That means if you have one of these in a basket it won't let you use that month's Discount Code. This ONLY applies to these Tokens. I'm sure you understand that this is an exercise in support, not giving away the kitchen sink :)

Many thanks for your understanding


Please Note: These are Supporter Tokens and as such, they are here to allow players to SUPPORT Core-Exiles whilst gaining a reward bonus of 25% on the support investment over time.

If you CHOOSE to pay using Gift Certificate you are simply ignoring the fact this is a SUPPORT method for CE. Allowing us a chance to gain some income to re-invest back in the game. We cannot stop you from using gift certificates to pay for these tokens but PLEASE consider what these tokens stand for and what they are designed for and shop accordingly, thank you.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
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Re: Exile Support Tokens (E.S.T)

Post by Coops »

Sadly even after my making endless pleas and making it extremely obvious that purchasing these tokens with 'Gift Certificates' simply negated their purpose in life for Core-Exiles a large % have still been doing just that.

So today I have decided to stop reducing each month's token by 50%. The tokens are still on sale and you STILL get the 25% boost when handing them in (minimum three tokens) but the 50% discount has now been revoked.

I tried every which way I could to get players to understand that this was a fundraising activity to Support CE, but for a large percentage that was simply ignored.

A BIG thank you to all those over the last few months who have been purchasing these using actual money. Those funds have gone a long way towards ensuring we could meet our financial burden each month and in some cases gave me a little extra to stick in the advertising kitty.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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