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History - The Expanse (Alien Territory)

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:19 pm
by Gus Givens
Note: this is not an ISN report, but is from a history series produced by ISN, and is useful background to the ISN reports.

by Coops on Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:20 am

The Expanse as reported by ISN News
ISN - Gal-Fed looking for something?
Postby Mac Flanders on January 16, 2007, 07:38:30 PM
It has been brought to my attention by my undercover man (who will of course remain anonymous) that there has been an increased Gal-Fed presence of late in one of the systems in the Sphere.

The communication was rushed, and of very bad quality. Our AV department have been unable to rebuild the transmission completely, so details are very sketchy, though we have managed to get some information out.
It seems that a large Gal-Fed science vessel has been moving through the southern sector of the Sphere, though at this time we are unsure of its destination. All we do know is that Gal-Fed have a very large team assembled, made up mainly of science officers. It is however reported that this vessel has a number of assault teams on board, we do not know at this time if these assault teams are there in an offensive, or defensive position.
Information of this nature sends shivers down this reporters spine, the last time we had reports of large scientific teams assembling, an entire planet, including all of it inhabitants was completely wiped out. Let's hope that Gal-Fed officials don't have another conspiracy theory running through their minds. I would really hate to have to report the deaths of another 7 million people.

I will await further information from my informer, and rest assured, as soon as I hear anything more on this I will get it in print for you immediately.

Mac Flanders.

ISN - New Construction Well Underway.
Postby Jet Heller on February 06, 2007, 03:43:59 PM
Its been nearly a week now since the Gal-Fed Officials opened their doors to the General Public for what must be one of the largest build contracts we have ever seen.

The sheer size of the Vessel that Gal-Fed are constructing at Port Ross has many of our analysts scratching their heads in wonder. It's a cross between an extremely large War ship and a Science Vessel. The design is like nothing we have ever seen before and security on the construction orbital hanger has been the tightest we have ever come across.

We have managed to get two undercover operatives on the job and we can confirm that the Vessel has state of the art fire power and hull and armour plating to rival that of any battleship on duty today.
The science package is also a mystery; apart from its extremely large scanner array and multiple probe launchers it also carries almost every conceivable scientific application and hardware known to the science community.

The Vessel has also been causing concern amongst the Military leaders of the Factions. It seems both the Alliance and Con-Fed heads of states have been asking for a general assembly meeting to convene to discus the intended use of this vessel.

In the mean time Ships have been queuing up, some five abreast to get to offload their cargos to fulfil this huge Military Contract.

ISN - Report - Launch of GFS Venture
Postby Ash Hansen on April 09, 2007, 12:53:25 PM
This morning saw the largest gathering of press in the history of the Sphere, as Gal-Fed officials announced that their massive undertaking was complete and ready to be unveiled to an excited public.

Much of this excited public consisted of happy privateers, who just before the announcement were greeted with substantial bonuses to their XP balances in appreciation of their help to build the behemoth. ISN spoke with one such privateer, who elected not to be named.

"Them Gal-Feds sure have more credits than they know what to do with - even the greenest pilot fresh from the core knows not to pay that much for a few drops of Dyzalithiaum Fuel! I was pumping it out of the ground in Cranmore and taking it a couple of hundred clicks across to Port Ross - and now they're givin' me XP for it! I don't know where they got the brainpower to build a ship."

But build it they did - the Gal-Fed Starship Venture, generally agreed to be in a class of its own, was a sight to behold as the curtain drew back at the dockyard. Lt Lutac Quire, in charge of bringing this project together, proudly proclaimed it the single greatest achievement in Gal-Fed's history. Lt Quire's pride was lowered somewhat shortly thereafter, when he dislocated his shoulder while trying to smash a celebratory bottle of Champagne across her bow...

the Reflective Shielding was quickly disabled and an assistant performed the ceremonial duty in his stead.
Rumours have abounded about what the GFS Venture would be used for - most were betting on a giant RAID killer designed to 'take back' the outer galaxies from the pirate menace that has recently been heavily active. Nobody guessed the true purpose of the vessel - exploration of what Gal-Fed scientists believe is a new galaxy.
The vessel itself is described as a 'battle ready research vessel'.

It is massively armed and armoured, and even has repair drones orbiting within its shielding for armour and hull repairs during battle. It is also equipped with over 1000 scanning drones for scientific study. Gal-Fed scientists have created drones with each of the three types of shielding to ensure optimal scanning of any spacial anomalies they may encounter. "Not much point sending a drone with reflective shields into an inverted plasma field!" one scientist explained. Reaction of the other scientists in the room indicates this was a joke.

The GFS Venture is already on its way to the Sharaia system, where the wormhole disturbance was apparently first detected almost three months ago. From there the modified Jump Drive Navigator on board will attempt to 'slide' through the wormhole to the other side. If successful, a galactic jumpgate to harness the wormhole is well past planning stages and will be open to travellers soon after. Gal-Fed will however maintain control of that gate, and have not yet revealed whether its use will attract a toll of any kind.

Ash Hansen : ISN News Reporter

ISN - GFS Venture Returns
Postby Ash Hansen on April 09, 2007, 06:09:22 PM
What began as one of the brightest days in the history of Gal-Fed has turned into a mess of debris and speculation. The GFS Venture has returned, ahead of schedule and, according to eyewitness reports, barely held together.

"It was like some giant space creature had taken a bite out of the side" one such witness declared. "I don't know what happened, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to have been on board at the time!".

Although the ship was expected to encounter a certain amount of turbulence as it travelled through the distortion, the reports of massive damage seem unexpectedly severe. Some reports even state that strange scorch marks across the scarred hull resemble laser blast marks, so could this have been the result of an epic battle? Perhaps the pirate headquarters has been located? And who was victorious?

Gal-Fed is remaining tight-lipped at this time pending an "internal investigation and review of recent circumstance". ISN will bring you more news as it comes to hand.