Critical Combat Loot Account Upgrade - Returns

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Critical Combat Loot Account Upgrade - Returns

Post by Coops »

Around this time the year before last we had a shuffle of the Combat Looting system. Adding more loot and creating specific loot collections and generic overlays of loot. We also added the AP fruit machine one arm bandit (as some staff call it).

We ALSO introduced a few store bought items. These were mainly the Combat Loot Maximizers which remained in the Store all year round.

But we also added a Critical Combat Loot Account Upgrade which only appears in the store around Christmas.

You can Find it OVER HERE

I figured with it being close enough and with a lot of Combat about to take place to try and get those Christmas Resource Tokens bounced up in value that now might be a good time to offer it back up.

So its in the store from today till the 7th of January. Of course it will be joined on th e1st of December by Rudolph and Donner and Blitzen :)

Happy hunting for the forth coming Coops Challenge.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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