A very strange dream

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A very strange dream

Post by 5hortpants »

I had myself a very strange dream, and rather than keep it to myself (and my therapist) I thought I would share it on an open forum for ridicule and scorn:

As I was a pirate in this dream (probably the Dread Pirate Roberts, who doesn't want to be him?) I was shooting all the good guys and laughing maniacally, as one does. Suddenly, the pirate on my shoulder (his name is Tad Cumberbund) reached over and flipped my eyepatch to my other eye. Suddenly, I realized I had been shooting bad guys the whole time, and I was actually a pirate hunter!

Okay, all you amateur Freuds out there can diagnose me, but what I was thinking would be even more fun was to suggest a Pirate Eyepatch Pod. When equipped, it would completely reverse ALL your combat affiliations (it's easy, Coops, just multiply by -1) so all of the Red affiliations would make you an outcast and put a bounty on your head, and all of the Green affiliations would earn you credits and merit with all the good guys. Additionally, (since it's so easy to do, right, Coops?) shops and NPCs would "see" your affiliations as swapped (so pirates could haul with Wesbec, and normals could do... pirate stuff?) and this could also extend to Expanse affiliations, too.

This is the best part: if you are defeated in combat with the Eyepatch Pod equipped, it completely "bricks" the pod so it never works again. Cool, right!?

There are only two problems:
-First, it is impossible. My apologies to Coops, I was only funning, It is a mystery to me how you do all the miracles you do on CE.
-Second, it is stupid.

Completely apart from the fever dream above, what about Specials that bump up foot traffic in the Promenade Malls? I would pay CE store cash for that!
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Re: A very strange dream

Post by XPLODE »

I once dreamed of Freddy Krueger chasing me down the street as i was bicycling away.
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Re: A very strange dream

Post by pikolinianita »

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Re: A very strange dream

Post by Akkamaddi »

I don't think the idea is stupid at all.

[Gal Fed | Con Fed | Alliance | Pirate] Forged Credentials POD, Captain level 60, 6 pod points
CES [Gal Fed | Con Fed | Alliance | Pirate] Forged Credentials POD, Captain level 40, 4 pod points
[four devices each only one FC-POD of any kind can be equipped at a time]

New combat loot item: [Gal Fed | Con Fed | Alliance | Pirate] Security Clearance Data

When placed, the POD adds an icon in the top-right icon array (like the QTD or Minos Transport Device). When the icon is clicked, the player sees all cargo units of Security Clearance Data (SCD units) in the ship store appropriate for that POD. (If the player has a Con Fed POD enabled, only Con Fed Security Clearance Data units in the ship's cargo hold.) The player can then feed SCD units, which activates the POD.

When activated, the Captain essentially impersonates other captains, showing as having good standing in the appropriate faction. For every SCD unit used, the Captain gains an effective 1,000 point faction standing. The Captain can continue to feed SCD units to raise his/her false standing.

The POD also begins a 24 hour countdown. The charade can only be perpetuated for about 24 hours before the stolen identity is compromised. This countdown is from when the *first* SCD unit activates the POD. More SCD units used will increase standing, but will *not* extend the lifespan beyond the 24 hour limit. (CES PODs possibly have 36 hours.)

Also, for each SCD unit used, there is a chance that the data used is already been flagged by appropriate authorities as stolen. Each SCD unit activated has a 1 in 255 chance of triggering an identity theft alarm. The POD picks this up immediately, and begins immediate shutdown and purging of data tracks (see below)

The falsified and stolen identification generally successfully passes with any NPC's and exclusive faction services, allowing the captain to interact with someone normally considered an enemy.

Any faction standing changed during the POD's affect changes both the Captain's assumed and real standing. This could potentially be used to clear one's record with an enemy faction. Conversely, a captain who wants a few more units of Pirate Security Clearance Data and decides to go hunting will loose immediate standing for his actions, as would a captain in actual good standing. (Shooting down "aligned" ships or quitting NPC missions will cause the false standing to drop, as well as real standing.)

As stated, the POD can only maintain its ruse for 24 hours. (This is real clock time.) By this time, the faction authorities will begin to trace the falsified data and place security locks on its use. The POD will automatically purge the assumed identity/ies on shutdown. Further, it will cycle and randomize its security settings and usage patterns, as well as proactively hack and clear some of the easier to sanitize fraudulent data. This shutdown period takes 120 hours (five days). During this time, the POD can be unequipped, but safety protocols will not allow the same or another Forged Credentials POD to be used. If adding SCD units randomly triggers a security event, this same shutdown immediately begins.

The removal of identity theft traces is not perfect, and some data always points back to the captain. This is never appreciated by the affected faction. When the POD's identity theft ends, the affected faction reduces the Captain's standing by 100 points per SEC unit used.


I think something like that would be in pretty high demand for NPC quests.
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