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New Items Added (August)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:23 pm
by Coops
I took some time out of my hectic coding schedule today to add some items to the Core-Exiles Store. As always these are there for players to show their support to Core-Exiles and add boosts to certain elements of the game.

If you don't have any disposable income and yet still want some of these items, I suggest creating a post in the forums asking for items in return for credits or resources. I know we have a few captains who are happy to help out others in such a fashion.

There is a mixed bag of items, but they are as such :

Corporation - Open University Account Upgrade
This is an account upgrade for those captains with Corporations. It's a University 'Plug In' which allows your corporation crew to attend night school. This in turn enables them to increase their IP pool over time.

Each evening they upload their open university work and receive a small stipend of IP as a reward. It does not affect the normal IP they received when leveling but is an extra method to accrue IP over time.

The amount of IP they receive each evening is based on their own personal current captain level. As they level so does the amount they receive each evening. Over time this will aid in their ability to serve the corporation to their maximum potential.


Genesis Industrial Account Booster
This is an account upgrade for those who own a Genesis Plot. This booster when added to a Captains account half's the Build time of the
Genesis Industrial Center - Aurora building.

Any plan eligible to be built past and present is affected with a 50% discount on its build time. Please note this will not affect any plans currently being processed, but will affect any plans from that point forward.


Olympic Advanced Research Centre (A.R.C) & Olympic A.R.C (Expanse)
These are advanced Research (SRP) buildings for Settlements level 5 and above. They pump out more SRP than anything in game yet. They can be stacked and act just like normal research buildings.


Notes : All these items have been added to the game and Store. The Olympic items were added to commemorate the RIO games but will remain available year round. They have been designed to help players prepare for more research as they level through Settlement level six, seven and beyond.

I will add the Account boosters to the in game Bio Upgrades section later today. For now simply visit the links provided for more information.
