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Job Well Done - RAIDS

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:05 pm
by Coops
The Coops Challenge isn't over yet, but I wanted to take a moment to congratulate the band of merry captains that spent the last few weeks hammering the hell out of the RAID's for the challenge.

Back in January of Last year we made some fundamental changes to how RAIDs worked and how they would become more 'accessible to all'. It seems that this is certainly working with low level captains entering next to the old timer 'Raid Hunters' to add their own level of damage to the pack.

If you don't know to what I'm referring it might be worth taking five mins to review the post that was made back then OVER HERE.

In total you guys have now killed 357 RAIDS, that's a staggering amount. In total we have logged 1,859,165,287 units of damage done to RAID's since we started recording the total damage done.

Of course Stage two of RAID updates is still to come. That's those shiny buttons on the bottom of the RAID screen. Once I have star bases out I will revisit and make these functional.

I just wanted to say 'Congrats Guys (and Ladies) a battle well fought!
