Happy Bank Holiday

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Happy Bank Holiday

Post by Coops »

Happy Bank Holiday Monday
It may not be a bank holiday for everyone here, but it certainly is here in the UK. So as I'm in the office working away this morning I figured it was time to hand out some extra Fuel to make the Bank Holiday Monday go a little smoother for all.

So I tapped the Fuel Depot Manager for a small favor and he deposited an Extra 2,500 Fuel into everyone Fuel Depot accounts. Those of you that have been with us and are stashing up that fuel 'Read on'. For those of you that struggle with your daily fuel allowance visit any of the Depots, visit the nearest and top off your tank.

The Fuel will remain there until its used so if you don't get the chance today not to worry.

Blow Torches, Orcs and the Deep Rumblings from Coops Code Pit
I've been quiet on the forums this last few weeks, but NOT slacking in my work load. In fact I've been working harder than I probably EVER have for Core-Exiles this last 2-3 weeks. We have a new addition coming to CE soon and its one for just about every player level 20 and over. It's not a Settlement add on or a Star-base release (that affects only the top echelon of CE). It's not just for miners, or combat guys, or crafters etc. It's for everyone over Level 20 that enjoys CE and wants even more :)

You'll have to wait for the 'low down' and don't go twisting the staffs arms for the scuttle butt :) They have been heavily testing this all for me but won't give it up :)

I just wanted to you all to know I'm still here, still very much hard at the code!

Have a great day even if you sadly have to work today.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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