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Guild Bonus System

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:28 am
by Coops
Early this week we bashed guilds good and hard with a limitation of the way resources were stored and could only be accessed / used via crafting.

Today brings a much needed 'bonus' to guilds. Prev and I hatched this one some time back but I've been busy angle grinding corners of the game and only just found the time to add this fairly large section for guilds.
As such at the moment guilds have no central 'bonus' other than a free resources store, bank, email and forums. So now we add a new facet to guilds...

Guild Bonus System

Every day a guild will now earn X amount of 'Guild Faction XP'. This is based off the level of your guild. So if you have a lowly level 1 guild it will earn 50 Faction XP per day. As your guild increases in level so does the Faction XP awarded each day.

This Faction XP pools until a Guild decides how to spend it. (All members may view the selection of items on which to spend the XP but only the Guild owner can actually spend the XP.)
So what can we purchase with this Faction XP Coops ?

Initially we have set up the following :

Haulage XP Increase.
Haulage Credits Increase.
Combat XP Increase.
Combat Credits Increase.
Union Passenger XP and Credit Bonus.

Each of these 'bonuses' give a % increase 'per level'. So as your guild increases the level of each bonus so the XP bonus increases.

As a guild member you can visit your office and click on the planet icon in the guild management screen. As I said earlier you wont be able to do much other than look if you are not the owner of the guild, but you can review the bonuses currently purchased by your guild and read the options for the next purchase.
This I imagine will lead to guilds using their forums to work on a vote for the 'next' bonus a guild wants to purchase.

A ticker will run once every day awarding the Faction XP each guild is owed as per it's guild level. (This can be seen in the Faction bonus screen).

Getting the rewards
OK Coops so my guild has purchased some of these XP and credit bonuses. How do I know I'm getting them? Simple...

I have spent today adding these % bonuses to the various screens and elements of the game. For instance if your guild has purchased either of the two bonuses for Haulage then you will see a new bar appear in any of the haulage offices. This confirms that the % bonuses have been applied and also allows you to 'see' the % amounts.

The same goes for the Combat offices and also the Union Offices for passengers.

Whats 'Bonus Pending' (Faction Bonus Screen)

Whilst it was obvious to add a function to give players a % bonus to XP and Credits for actions like Haulage and Combat it was not so obvious where to go next. So we have added a few 'blank' ones for you to put forward some ideas.

For instance perhaps you'd like to see a % increase to Mining, or Refining or Mall incomes or Factory production, or perhaps Harvester rates.... the list in CE is rather long...

We could add as many as we want but for now I thought another three would be enough for a release version of CE. So take a look, understand the principle and then make a few suggestions folks (Please make them in the Suggestions Forum area).


Aug 13, 2011