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Structure Point Check

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:15 am
by Coops
It came to my attention this week that a number of players (small number) had managed to get themselves out of synch with their true Structure Point usage. Over time CE has had a LOT of items added for the use of Structure points.

These included Extractors, Harvesters, Factories, Malls and Refineries. These all have varying levels of SP usage and also C.E.S Zero SP items.

Today I ran a balance script (new one) on the Server and it 'rectified the 'Available' Structure points based on how many you were using. Some of you gained a few points back that you'd lost and not noticed and some of you lost a few IE you were somehow using more than you have.

For a tiny % of you this will have put you in to Minus SP. You can rectify this by pulling SP based items till you come back into Positive or Zero balance.
