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Collection Point - CHANGE

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:38 am
by Coops
Been a while since we made any global changes to the way the Collection Point Works. Last time we made some 30 day and 14 day and even 7 Day rule sets. These have been in place since then but are somewhat 'antiquated' shall we say and rather confusing.

So as of the next time the Collection Point 'clean up ticker runs' we are moving to a single Rule. This rule should be simple to follow and easy to pass on to others :)

Items added to the Collection Point from ANY part of the game will remain ON the collection point for 30 days.

After 30 days if the item was Sent to you by a player: It will be returned to that player at the location it was sent from. They then have another 30 days to collect. After that time it WILL be deleted!

So a simple 30 day rule. This removes seven day, fourteen day rule sets for certain instances.

Q: I can see a screen, message in game referring to the old rules?
A: Please Bug log it with the page and message. Core-Exiles is a very large game and I'm only human :)
