Trying to find an accessible irc

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Trying to find an accessible irc

Post by Malikai »

So I've tried at least 10 different web irc clients and none of them seemed to be functioning. I was wondering if anyone knew of any more accessible irc clients out there. I tried M irc, but unfortunately T irc seems to be a dead project and no longer functions.
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Re: Trying to find an accessible irc

Post by XPLODE »

Does it have to be a web irc?

If not i recommend nbs-irc ;

I don't recommend sysreset or UPP as irc clients, but named them in case you want to try them.

If the basic mIRC client doesn't want to connect to a server it usually means you have an active firewall or some other misconfiguration like a closed port.

I don't know why all the web irc clients you used wouldn't connect since they don't require your connection and shouldn't have any issue.

PS : i don't know how blind you are(i never thought i'd type that) or how you people interact with a computer so ignore my suggestions if you can't actually use them.
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Re: Trying to find an accessible irc

Post by pikolinianita »

Are you sure you put right server name and port number to your irc clients?

Port: 6667

(from this Coops message)
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Re: Trying to find an accessible irc

Post by yordstorm »

I've had great results from ChatZilla it works with firefox.
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