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August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:03 pm
by Coops
A Simple competition to Kick start August.

As always we appreciate what you think of the game and the fact some of you have been here for years and years shows we must be doing something right lol . But for new visitors to CE the place can be somewhat confusing.

So help us and tell new players what you think of CE and perhaps some of the fun you have here :


#2: Keep it safe for family audience :)
#3: Have Fun!
#4: If your new and want to take part tell others how your finding it so far.

For those posts made that make it through I will award a Large Festive Mech Pack and a One Month PA account upgrade!

Each day I will go through the submissions and add the prizes.

Competition closes 10:00 AM on the 31st of August

Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:32 pm
by Draykan
I've only been playing for about a month, and I have to say all in all, I really like the game. It starts off slow, and if you don't have someone to help you through it can be confusing, but the IRC chat is at the bottom and there is generally at least one person active in it who can answer questions, and there is a great amount of depth to the game as you get further into it.

Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:31 am
by Elkhorn
How do I love thee? Let me count….. Opps sorry wrong contest.

You ever play one of those games where it seems like you just click where the game directs you to click, you know those MMOs that lead you from quest to so called quest? Your character runs over and bashes 5 purple scorpions or whatever then returns for his reward. You gain levels and fame, only to be clobbered by another player. Well, this isn’t one of them.

Core Exiles allows you a frightening amount of freedom. You can do everything, or nothing. You don’t have to beg friends for some final component or energy or whatever in order to continue. There are a huge number of professions to choose from.

You can mine asteroids, place extractors on planets to pull resources from the ground, battle pirates and aliens for rare loot. Do you like tinkering? You can craft modules or complete items. Heck, you can even craft your own ship!

You can ferry passengers and cargo across 4 galaxies earning credits and experience points. You can take on courier missions, collect bounties and so much more.

Do you like to join a group and gain mutual support, or would you rather go it alone? You can choose to do that.

Finally, do you live game developers that listen and are responsive? If so, you will love this game! Float and idea out there, players comment and the dev will even throw in his two cents...err farthings, pence? anyway he’ll respond.

Come on over. It costs nothing to try! In fact the game is free. You can play the game without ever spending a dime, though there are some benefits to contributing some coin.

That's what I love about this game!

Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:46 am
by Jager 602
What do I think of this game? Well, I was totally hooked back before it was Core Exiles, so I might be biased, but here goes...
Overall, I really like this game. I like that there are always new things to be doing or learning. Who's got two thumbs and figured out at level 56 that pressing the attack button while derelict salvaging sometimes brings up enemies to fight? This guy!

I like the balance in the skills system- my ip really make a difference, especially at higher levels.

There is a diverse, player-driven economy; I can make millions at a time if I have the right resource or good, and it matters to me because the resources I gathered can go into weapons, shields, equipment of all types, settlements, ships, etc., being crafted by other players. Sure, I can sell back to Joe's, and there are NPC missions if I want to take them, but there's no set mission track. You set your pace, choose what you want to do, and decide for yourself how you're going to get there.

The forums are great. Discussions are lively, and there's usually a contest or two going on to make things even more interesting. I wish I could spend more time in chat, because it gets downright weird/funny sometimes.

Last thing for now, but I can't forget, the other players help make this game so fun. Whether they're mentoring me, buying/selling/trading with me, or reminding me not to go into combat with a mining laser again (and no, a really big mining laser still doesn't cut it), they are part of what makes Core Exiles enjoyable.

Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:28 am
by Coops
Thanks for entering Guys, PA's and Festive Packs added. - You have till the end of the month to get your responses in Folks...


Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:03 pm
by Moonblade
Been playing this awesome game for 3 years. The depth of CE is astounding, but you have complete freedom of choice here. You can delve into the intricacies of crafting complex items or just do straight forward professions like mining or hauling cargo. You can concentrate on a few select professions or try the challenging but rewarding exercise of becoming a Jack of all Trades Master of Some. You can play for hours a day or just a few minutes at a time. The choice is yours. Your destiny awaits !

Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:47 am
by fjiekie
I'm very busy renovating my house and i'm still trying to play this game, do i have to say more? :p

I keep enjoying this game even when very busy, i just make sure to do stuff that is less time-consuming, like gather resources for some crafting orders, but now i have to find time to actually craft some VERY large items... oh well, i guess i'll have to manage or my customers might send their AI to visit me, or worse send Rexxx an invite for an open BBQ at my place, that screams for disaster...

Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:03 am
by Coops
1 Months PA and a Large Festive Pack to each of you for taking part!


Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:38 am
by Sukayo
Looks like it is hard to tell why we are for 4 or more years here - all those hours, days, weeks.
Easy - get this mission done - remember the mission crates, up to 30 of them - i cursed them, but hey, at the end some IPs are all the time welcome.
I like to get something, how to get all the needed resources, credits, schematics, crafter(s) - all those ways from going alone to sitting at one place and making credits via the GBM to place own contracts, or pop up on IRC and ask a fellow pilot there for help - many ways to go, to get something done.
And here is no time pressure to finish something, often here is plenty of time.

Re: August - Tell them what you think and Win!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:11 am
by siddharth
5 years around and still lot more to do in game .
and its from a person who had been active almost each day .
the amount of things you can do and micro manage you suppose to do keeps you busy a lot :)