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Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:43 pm
by Blythe
I'm looking to fulfill the prereq's to go to level 6 on my settlement and one is to have both offensive and defensive ratings at 1500 or better. Having looked at all the defensive missiles, there's no combination of 2 systems that gets me to 1500. Since I need 2 offensive systems to reach 1500 and I need my shield generator that only leaves me with 2 slots for defensive missiles. How are you supposed to reach 1500? What am I missing?

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:43 pm
by aRJay
Do you actually need the shield for the transition?

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:40 pm
by Blythe
I suppose not, however, if that's the answer I'm missing I'm hugely disappointed in this game and the people who built and run it. I can't imagine why the Devs would put in a prereq that resolves with "trick" like that. If there's a way to get to and maintain a 1500 defense rating while maintaining my shield system I would prefer to go through the front door rather than sneak in the back.

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:21 pm
by aRJay
The thing is as soon as you have transitioned to L6 you will switch to a whole new set of weapons and shields.

As an example my L5 set is not running on the same weapons I had at L4.

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:00 pm
by Blythe
Yes, I understand that. It still seems like a stupid way to run a railroad forcing me to buy a missile system that I couldn't use and haven't needed until now and that once I level, I still won't be able to use since I "will switch to a whole new set of weapons and shields." It just doesn't seem to be very well thought out to me.

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:50 pm
by aRJay
I see your point, but it comes down in part to early choices I have been using I suspect the same defensive missile system as yourself from shortly after I reached level 5 some time ago and it will be a while before I level up to 6 (amongst other things still only got 20,000HP) at which point I will presumably need my first shield.

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:16 pm
by pikolinianita
I have level 6 settlement for a while, and I still have my lvl 5 gun/missile Combo.

There is thing called "Early warning System", it gives some defensive bonus. I don't remember number, it is around 400 or 500. Player made version is better, as usual. and fits into ground defence slot.

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:10 am
by MarcSp
Did the requirements change? I thought it was offensive 1000 and defensive 1000, not 1500.
But get yourself a Early Warning system (either PM or ingame store version), each gives you +500 Defense,
although I notice the CEDR fails to mention that. It also gives you a boost to your defence (+5%/research level I think).
And best of all, it goes into a ground support slot, so you still get your 5 offensive slots.
Get to the Hoathlan store and view one of those for the full stats.

That, plus a Sword of Damocles (def=550) get you to 1050, leaving 4 offensive slots still available.
But if it did change to 1500, then get 2 Swords (550+550+500=1600), still leaves 3 offensive slots.

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:15 am
by MarcSp
PS as aRJay mentioned, you will want to upgrade your weaps after level 6, the attacks do get a bit stronger.
I recommend having at least 1 level 5 gun, with all other slots at least level 4, for max safety.
And some ground support, just as insurance in case a extra-strong attack gets past your space weaps.

Re: Level 5 to Level 6 defenses

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:46 pm
by Achilleos
Your right there is a lack of choice for defensive weapons but it isn't a major issue.
My setup is Hellhamer /Devils Hammer /Frontier Liberator Phaser /Early Warning System SI-1 /Sword Of Damocles x2 and Enforcer Shielding Type2.
This gives me Offence Rating of 2825 / Defence Rating 1600 and Shielding 29000 and 3 ground support slots left