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WTB - Advanced Astro Drone (Survey)

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:17 am
by Elkhorn
I am soliciting bids for a steady supply of Advanced Astro Drones. Probably 600 per week.
Send me an in-game PM with your price per 200 drones. Best offer will get the contract.
On occasion I may send you resources as a bonus. NOTE: This is NOT an offer to supply resources to fulfill the contract, simply a perk.
Your price should include all material and labor costs. Delivery to central sphere is preferred, but if you make a good enough case I may travel to pick them up.

Re: WTB - Advanced Astro Drone (Survey)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:32 am
by Elkhorn
Thank you for all your offers. We have a winner. Congrats to Inioxx, a guildmate and supplier of Astro drones!