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"Trading" Implants

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:53 pm
by Shane747
Not too sure why there is a "block" on trading Implants between Captains, but now that there are quite a number of players with 2 accounts how about allowing "Trading" between the first and second Captains?

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:59 pm
by Shinter
I'm pretty sure the only implants that can't be traded are those bought through the CE store or the Festive Store, which is why those restrictions are in there (and mentioned very clearly in their descriptions).

Regular Implants can be easily traded between players, as frequently happens as people trade their old implants to newer players. (If you can't for some reason, I would report that as a bug)

I would be surprised if anything about this system changed in regards to trading, as at least I don't see any issue with the current set-up.

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:16 pm
by Shane747
Shinter, unless you have 2 accounts you would not be able to appreciate the situation!!

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:48 pm
by Darakhoranon
I think it would be ridiculously difficult (assuming it was even possible in the first place...) to ensure this supposed trade of "restricted" items really ONLY happened between two accounts of a single player. Add in others using the same IP (your girlfriend, wife, dog, Snarg...), and we'd have a recipe for desaster...

Yes, the fact that you can't trade/turn in/whatever CE/festive implants when you no longer need them due to upgrading to a higher tier does make the Zeus/Pegasus lines kind of pointless (point in case, I'm not bothering with non-crafted implants until I can get the Titan version), but we already have quite a few items in the game that serve no real purpose.
And while I'm (usually) in favour of coming up with ways to turn "trash loot" into something at least somewhat useful, I don't see how THIS could work.

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:38 am
by siddharth
after we upgrade those special implants . is it there to be of no value I mean if it could be refunded some points of festival points or if we could trade in those might get our investment value back other wise it be not profitable to upgrade those implants and people might upgrade the top model only.

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:03 am
by Darakhoranon
True, siddarth. But adding the option to trade in old CE shop/festival implants for a (partial) refund of festive points would still be quite different than being able to trade them to another account (even if it's yours), wouldn't it?

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:41 pm
by Shane747
sidd, even that would be better than nothing at all. However I would still like to have the opportunity to pass certain implants on to my 2nd account. It is NOT beyond the ability of our Dev, Coops, to code such a change with the necessary precautions to avoid those among us who are not satisfied with playing fair, registering more than 1 alternative player to receive them, or the ability for them to be passed more than once.

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:38 pm
by Darakhoranon
Shane747 wrote:It is NOT beyond the ability of our Dev, Coops, to code such a change with the necessary precautions to avoid those among us who are not satisfied with playing fair, registering more than 1 alternative player to receive them, or the ability for them to be passed more than once.
Would it be possible? Certainly.
Would it be "nice to have"? Definitely.
Would it be reasonably easy to implement with all the necessary protections against exploits in place? No way.

The last point is the real (main) reason I seriously doubt we're going to see any kind of trading of "restricted items". It would simply be too COMPLICATED to implement this while making sure it couldn't be abused to hell and back. Add in that this is something that isn't really necessary in any way - it would simply be "nice to have" - and I'd say Coops is better off hammering player SBs into shape (or whatever he's planning to add next).

Re: "Trading" Implants

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:29 pm
by Clark
Whilst i have nothing against this idea, may i perhaps suggest that the reason this will likely not see the light of day is because it would cut off a revenue stream. Being able to transfer store bought items will make the game less financially viable, and as we are reminded, without the financial input then in all probability the game would cease to continue. Just a thought.