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Death Toll rises to 110!

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:55 am
by Gus Givens
It seems that the earlier reported virus outbreak on Starbase 70 in the Derren system has become more serious with now over 400 reported cases and 110 confirmed dead. The G-CDC arrived late yesterday and have been working alongside the local medical staff to attempt to locate the source of the virus and its method of transmission.

Whilst a common link between the infected and dead has not yet been officially confirmed, our own reporters on the ground have noted that all the reported victims had the new style Exile implant systems fitted. We can neither confirm nor deny this as a possible link, but it does seem to point to being a common factor.

Gal-Fed has imposed a strict quarantine on the station but so far has allowed our reporters already on the scene to continue reporting.

More on this as it breaks.

ISN News Desk.