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Orpheus Corporation loose monopoly!

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:33 am
by Gus Givens
Up till now the Orpheus Corporation had an almost iron grip on the salvage rights to wrecks in space. They have been the primary 'clearer of the space ways'. Every one deferred to them and the yearly renewal of their contract was a given.

That is till this very week! It seems that who ever the Orpheus Corporation were bribing to maintain the contract has decided enough is enough. With a wide sweeping decision it has been decided that from this day forth that wreck salvage will no longer be under the sole control of the Orpheus Corporation.

This decision has been met with utter disbelieve by OC's board of directors, but it seems private captains have been clambering at the doors of two entrepreneurial companies who have already released a series of scanners, lasers, drills and tools for private wreck salvage.

So if you are a captain looking for that little extra in your hold and have the time, inclination and of course funding you might like to consider Salvage as a new career.

Of course for the rest of us this means keeping an eye on the scanner as more and more wrecks clog up the space lanes!

More news from the ISN New desk when we have it!

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