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Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:07 pm
by Albert Ross
Now we can guess who is the body you drag behind you. Can I kick it? Albert.

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:40 pm
by Inioxx
As one of the silent majority and of the financially contributing minority, while I think the CAIC wasn't the best explained move out there (why all the fuss and gloomy warning messages if all i'm losing early on is 5k credits every 48 hours? - this is flame bait!), I a huge fan of CE and of Coops, the most accessible and down to earth dev I know.

I might not speak much on the forums, but I like CE, I plan on continuing to contribute, and thank you for all heart and soul put into this :)

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:40 pm
by Grumpy Old Drunk
A simple rule that I always follow, and always tell others, is only ever say in a post what you are prepared to say directly to that person.

I am fairly new to this game and I dont understand most of what is discussed in the forums or in chat. However, although I do understand people are fairly passionate about this game, it still does not warrant rude or disrespectful behavior. If I was the boss I would ban those that cannot follow basic courtesy standards. ( that rexx poster I think falls foul of common decency standards too :-) )

I hope those involved look back and realise they have crossed the line and apologise or, if they cant, leave.

As an IT professional, I appreciate the time and work that has, and still is, going into this game and know the hard work involved in any changes. I hope it keeps going for a long time to come.

Thank you Coops

Grumpy Old Drunk (Total Novice)

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:55 pm
by Castile
I'm a complete newb to this game so have no opinion on how the game has been handled but as a long time gamer, and a person who exists in a community of people, will never understand this type of behavior.

I was looking on the net for a new game to hold my interest, as so many of them today only offer short bursts of enjoyment, when I noticed this one. I logged on and 9 hours later went and bought a 12 month sub.
It is very clear that there has been a lot of time, effort and love poured into this game. So far the community has been friendly and helpful and all seem to be very dedicated to the game. I look forward to many hours of future play and am excited to learn all I can from this very deep and compelling game.

So thanks Coop for what you've created, just hang in there. Remember when life throws lemons at you squeeze them small minded things into lemonade!

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:43 pm
I take a few days off and miss all the fireworks. Reading Coops letter astounded me that someone who plays this game could be the words I'm coming up with can't be printed on here) Hateful and rude to one of the better people I have met online. Not only has Coops devoted his mind and body to this game but after a few years of playing on an old game of Droidarena where the players would have to pretty much write a small amount of code to program their droids for battle...this lil bit of coding would usually have me tearing out what lil bit of hair I have remaining... To think of the hours and mindbending its taken to bring this game to where we are today all I can say is my hats off to you Coops you have my upmost respect.
Occasionally I've run into a problem or had a question and never did I get a response from Coops or any of his staff that they didn't have time for my problems and usually Coops has gone above and beyond to not only make sure my problems were solved but if there was anything else I needed.
Then to read of how often and the extent of the abuse that Coops and the staff are subjected too leaves me dumbfounded that people can be so disrespectful for a game they can spend hours and hours playing for free. If your not happy and can't adapt to changes in the game whether they're good or bad then hit the off button cause Coops has already put up with you far longer than I would have without tossing you out of the game altogether.
As far as financial support for the game a little bit of support here and there is preferable to a monthly charge which I personally would even pay that if that's what it would take to keep Coops chained to the keyboard because I do enjoy this often frustratingly challenging game thats helped to fuel my imagination and relieve some of the stress of what life throws my way and for that I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH Coops!!!

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:52 pm
by Oxynotus Dahl
Such a great game. It needs a great mind to develop something like this.

Those who send these inacceptable mails should be banned!

Keep up the good work Coops!!!

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:29 am
by Flynch
Keep up the great work Coops! CE is AWESOME!!!! Thanks for all your hard work. Been playing CE for years. I can't say that about most games I have played.

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:49 am
by Rexx Shredd
Coops, I just want to say:

A Big THANKS to ME because - if you shut CE down - where else can you go to revel in my awesomeness?

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:31 am
by Marhsan
Coops, you are close to burnout, go take a vacation in a nudist beach with Rexx where you can relax and take a break :) .

Coops, don't mind the haters. Don't push yourself too hard, the players can live with an update every 3-4 months. I think its just everyone panicked with all the "doom and gloom" about this update and lashed out at the obvious target, its you.

As someone who is in Tech/Customer Support, I feel for you. Do what I do to relieve stress, take a walk in the deep woods with an axe and go chop some fallen tree trunks into firewood.

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:13 pm
by lastcrusade
Just wanna give a shotout to coops! Thank you very much! Really grateful for you running CE