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Re: Verec-Per combat office

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:51 am
by MarcSp
easy - go somewhere in VP. Shoot a GALFED ship (+confed rating, -galfed rating). Or Alliance (+confed, -alliance).
Then shoot a VP Vermin type ship. (That gives you +VP,+Galfed,+Alliance).
Repeat a lot. Raise all 4 ratings.

Now changing your pirate rating is the difficult bit, but theoretically possible.

Re: Verec-Per combat office

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:58 am
by MarcSp
@coops: this isn't an attack, but I cannot fathom how you can believe combat factions aren't broken.

I am not talking about combat, or target selection affecting faction.
That isn't complex, and most players figure it out eventually.

I am referring to combat factions, and their general uselessness.

There is no real difference between galfed and alliance. Why do these factions even exist?

You can thrive fully well in confed space (even with a negative/hostile rating)
including opening setts on their planets. Yet they are supposed to be hostile political
systems to each other. You can shop, mine ast fields, use their orsa, take passengers,
even with a hostile rating. Whats the point of confed then?

Other than a handful of NPCs and their misson chains, faction is seldom relevant,
and even then only a fairly low level is needed to access them. Where are the high level NPCs?

Why are there missions for confed/alliance in the combat missions dropdown,
when no such offices exist?

Piracy - so broken Janice leDarke wrote a 5 post series on why you should avoid it.

VP - why have to do combat missions or npc missions for VP points (not faction)
while not requiring a similar thing for the other 3 factions?

In my opinion:
For combat factions to have any real meaning, they need to have real effects
in game, along with perhaps real consequences. This is one of those areas which
really needs to be rethought about, and perhaps significantly changed.
Theres a lot of potential in factions to cause some seriously uncomfortable
changes in the game. It might be time to make some of those changes.

Re: Verec-Per combat office

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:26 am
by pikolinianita
MarcSp wrote:In my opinion:
For combat factions to have any real meaning, they need to have real effects
in game, along with perhaps real consequences. This is one of those areas which
really needs to be rethought about, and perhaps significantly changed.
Theres a lot of potential in factions to cause some seriously uncomfortable
changes in the game. It might be time to make some of those changes.
There is One big proble with such changes: It's too late. A lot of people made decisions about eg. settlements and change would be unfair.

On the other hand, If you know what happen in eastern Ukraine (tanks shoot, peaple die, but it is called peace, business almost as usual), you could name Coops a real visionary.

Re: Verec-Per combat office

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:35 am
by Coops
Your definition of Broken is a little off IMO. They simply are as they were initially designed. They have their plots storyline and boundaries and factions tied into these. We took the path of least resistance initially and ALLOWED players to gain faction / loose faction in each type. We decided to be NICE and not penalise players for choosing a specific faction. These days if I did that I'd become a Pariah dev in minutes.

Fancy not being able to Dock at a third of the game because you choose a combat faction ? Or not being able to trade with a third of the game etc. These choice were NOT taken lightly and does not infur (in our book) that its Broken. It's how it was designed. With a soft hand and soft touch to allow for flavour but not to harm the over games appeal to freedom.

I'm sorry you don't like it, you've been here a LONG time and only raise this now?

Do you remember the backlash I got when we added Faction alignment to the NPC's? Players were spitting their dummies out left and right. It showed that we have made the right decision with these faction and story line in the first place.

There is nothing stopping us continuing to add more faction related twists but I fear doing so will often be VERY unpopular.

Re: Verec-Per combat office

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:24 am
by MarcSp
Well, "broken" may be a bit overreaching, but "incomplete" certainly applies.
The combat missions dropdown clearly implies those offices should exist,and so
you will see this complaint arise over and over with each new generation of players.
I agree its far too late to make major changes but adding a bit more depth here
including new offices and perhaps a few new npcs, should not be too complicated
and would help ease some of the cognitive dissonance around it.

As for locking out a third of the galaxy, well, you did introduce that concept
when Furnace came out, with its pirate bases and faction-restricted docking.
Frankly I hoped for much more along this line, and have been waiting for
the other shoe to drop since then.

Players will howl anytime there is any change to any aspect of the game, but
overall we generally settle down and absorb it after a while.
Tightening faction restrictions *would* be wildly unpopular, and true would
change the early game too much. So I don't see it happening, but if the story
brought another galaxy into the game, that might be a good time to experiment
with this and see where it might lead.

I generally like the soft hand/soft touch approach in CE, it fits well with my intermittant
play style, but I also suspect there is a growing faction of players who are looking for
something a bit harsher. It would have to be isolated from the main story line, but I
suspect there would be a lot of interest here. (And I am NOT talking PvP here).