Genesis Update

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Genesis Update

Post by Coops »

You may want to read and review the ISN News post OVER HERE before reading this Dev post, but it's up to you :)

Launch Till Now
So far the Genesis War effort has kicked off with a proverbial bang, some 31,000+ AI units destroyed in just over 48 hours from 838 sorties. We've had no real issues and players seem to be taking to the addition well.

The closest campaign to roll to Stage 2 is going to be Toyila in Talsamar I suspect. So grats on that a major achievement!

We seems to have missed whilst developing and testing, that the G.P.D.S were not being 'used' when deployed. This morning I have rectified that along with a bunch of other tweaks. (read on). But from here on in, the deployments WILL be used up when deployed. So take this into consideration.

Major Plan Changes
I have this morning taken a Blow Torch to the Cook Times and outputs for the Genesis Plans. This drastically reduces most cook times and also increase the actual output by a lot in some cases. It means you'll be waiting less time for Aurora Cooks and what you get out the other end will be more in most cases.

I also Halved in MOST cases the QMG resources required in the G.P.D.S plans. This should help a lot with the fact they are now 'correctly' being used for the deployment.

Cleared Builds
As I hacked up most of the build / cook times for items, I figured it was unfair to make those who had already put on a mega long build to wait. So I cleared ALL the active builds this morning (read the ISN). This leaves you all free to pursue the new cook timers :)

+ Five Slots - Genesis
Last night I added to the Store a Genesis Deployment Account Upgrade This upgrade adds another Five slots to your active Genesis Deployment. This will enable many of you to get down more buildings, and stop having to swap them out every few days. It will also enable you to cater for further upgrades that are on their way.

More Power!!
We also added the option for you to source more power by adding two more top level A.I Plan style Generators. You can save up your Genesis A.I Fragments and purchase the plans for later use, or support CE and purchase them through the Store.

Thanks for your support on the Genesis War system and thank you for the nice comments and feedback so far. As we go further down the A.I storey line the Genesis War effort will come front and centre with Starbase and Settlements having a major role to play!

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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