Spam, Spam, Bacon Egg & Spam

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Spam, Spam, Bacon Egg & Spam

Post by Coops »

Recently sat down and caught a re run of the One Down Five to go Monty Python. Their re-enactment of the classic Spam scene triggered a voice in the back of my head. This morning I sought out our trusty spam filter and was fairly amazed that so far THIS YEAR alone it has tracked and stopped : 91,131 spam's related to various sections of Core-Exiles.

That doesn't count the spam emails we get to our various official emails and my personal CE address. The damn spam bots are getting really good as well. So a little thought to the poor old Spam detectors here at CE - Thanks to them we lead a spam free existence! :)


P.S if you missed it and are a Monty Python Fan - catch a re-run of the recent show. As an ageing dev I was in stitches in some parts. But I may be showing my age. Wink, wink, nod, nod.- Know what I mean ;)
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Re: Spam, Spam, Bacon Egg & Spam

Post by Droffy »

I'm a huge Python fan myself.. So guess we are both showing our age lol.
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