Custom Crafting

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Custom Crafting

Post by Malikai »

So I haven't delved incredibly deep into crafting, but I have read a couple random help pages and stuff so obviously I'm the leading expert on the subject. I was wondering if it was possible to implement some kind of customizable crafting system. What I'm thinking is as follows;

A. You would have something along the lines of drop down selection boxes to choose a "type" of item such as weapon, special, EBK, factory, or otherwise. This would, hypothetically, figure out the kinds of resources you would need.

B. Next you would select a level or tier for the item. Kind of like how the gattling has the "refurbished" or "pristine" descriptors and the MK 2 or Rev 3 tiers or classes. This would, again hypothetically, calculate how many of whatever resources you would need.

C. I think the real customization would come from giving these items their own effects. Where with steps A and B you're essentially just utilizing the already present crafting system via schematics, step C would allow the implementation of unorthordox effects.

So as I wrote this idea I felt it was becoming more stupid, but hell. I'll throw it up and maybe it will spark the inspiration for someone else. With out a more in depth understanding of the crafting system I can't really say anything, but it was just an idea. When I get more into crafting it might expand or I'll just realize that I'm a moron lol. Which is very likely.
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Re: Custom Crafting

Post by Darakhoranon »

I fail to see what purpose this would serve - the crafting system basically allows this already. You can choose to craft different tiers of certain items, e.g. NovaGens for settlements.
Your idea would theoretically allow to create items with "better" effects (say, an effect similar to VP weapons), but balancing that would be a nightmare.
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Re: Custom Crafting

Post by Malikai »

Yes indeed. Like I said, I realized it was a rather redundant idea or useless in certain aspects. But there's no such thing as a bad idea unless it kills us all right?
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Re: Custom Crafting

Post by Coops »

Suggestions are always welcome. We always push players to post in here rather than throw them at us (the staff) directly.

Some of the best items in game came directly from suggestions, even professions in game came mostly from suggestions over the years. So don't feel bad lol.

Of course not every suggestion is going to make it but that's what this section is for, weeding out the great ideas :)
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Re: Custom Crafting

Post by Sparky »

Yes, well said Coops, keep the suggestions coming Malikai!
I still don't understand crafting anyway LOL
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