Second 'Coops Challenge'

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Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Come the 18th of this month we will be starting our SECOND 'Coops Challenge'. In short I have set 30+ Stages to the Challenge broken in to specific Game Activities. It's up to you the players to rise to the challenge and complete as many of the stages as you can.

The First Coops Challenge will begin on the 18th of September and will run through till Midnight on the 5th of October. Prizes will be award on the 6th of October, depending on how many stages of the Coops Challenge have been completed by that time.

You can read a little more about the challenge OVER HERE in a short Primer Guide.

I am still nailing down which exact targets and numbers will be added on the day hence my 30+ I'll also shake up the prizes a little this time If I can without giving away the house! As this challenge includes three weekends there shouldn't be too much issue 'taking part'.

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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Well its September the 18th and as promised at 14:00 we will begin the 2nd Coops Challenge. This one will run slightly longer than the last, right up to Midnight on the 5th of October. This gives you Three Full weekends to take part should your weekly 'grind' keep you away from your beloved CE :)

This time Round we have the old Challengers plus a new one added (still getting my head around a few of the others I want to add but perhaps they will make it for the Third)

There were 36 Challenges in total broken down into 12 Categories.

Ashar Freight Deliveries
Wesbec Freight Deliveries
Valoren Freight Deliveries
Union Passenger Deliveries
Total Ships Destroyed
A.I Ships Destroyed
Alien Ships Destroyed
Wrecks Salvaged
F.O.M Mission Ores Deliveries
Total Ore's Mined
Total RAID's destroyed

PLUS : Personal Crafting XP Income

This one is fairly simple to follow but for those that might be confused. When crafting using a standard 'Manufacturing Facility' the type found in the Icon bar of Promenades, any XP earned from items crafted in this fashion will add towards the Coops Challenge Goal.

NO OTHER form of crafting counts, ONLY personal crafting via a Manufacturing Facility. So no Guild Crafting, so Genesis, Settlement Shake & Bake, or anything else I've forgotten. JUST Personal crafting.

Goals & Rewards
As each stage is completed the next stage is activated along with a 500 Fuel addition to a Global Fuel Reward. Therefore complete all 36 stages and you will be awarded a Global 18,000 Fuel Ticket EACH.

Extra Prizes!
This time round I will also be creating a Goodie Bag. What goes in this goodie bag will be Posted by me each day as you break certain points. You'll need to keep an eye on my Dev post to keep up with what's in the Bag.

The Fuel Ticket and Goodie Bag will be added to Active Accounts on the morning of the 6th of October.

Have Fun folks and Pop in to chat during the Coops Challenge, say hi take part in the chat. Who knows what we will be giving away in there!


P.S - Don't forget the Coops Challenge Status Page will be active in the CE Guides Tab during the Challenge Period.

For those that cant access those tabs here the Link : ... llenge.php
Prior to 14:00 today it will still display the closed message from the last Challenge.
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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Day two of the Coops Challenge and so far you have broken THREE stages of the 36 in total. That's actual not bad going seeing the challenge didn't start until 2:00 pm on the Friday just gone.

As Promised I said I would begin adding items to the 'Goodie Sack' for when the Challenge is over. As you break more goals I will add more items to the Sack. As its still early days lets start with :

Coops Challenge Goodie Sack

200 Festive Points
10 SNARG Treats

Of course this list will continue to grow until the final whistle, but is dependant on you clearing the Goals.

Keep up the great work Folks!

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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Still the first Three Challenges complete and no more broken through YET. Although you are getting close on a few and are nearly 20% of the way through the Fuel Burnt requirement I added at the bottom of this Challenge.

I thought it would be good to see if you could Burn 3.5 Million units of fuel between you on this Competition.

So for day Three no special extra rewards added to Coops Goodie Bag, but I'm guessing tomorrow will see a few more Challenges fall - So eyes on the prizes folks (and of course THIS THREAD!) :)

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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Entering into Day Six of the Coops Challenge and so far you have broken EIGHT stages of the 36 in total. Congratulations!

As Promised I said I would begin adding items to the 'Goodie Sack' for when the Challenge is over. As you break more goals I will add more items to the Sack. Adding more items to the sack it now looks like :

Coops Challenge Goodie Sack

400 Festive Points
10 SNARG Treats
200 Sven Barter Points
10 X Stamina Stim 100 + 100 HP Pack
10 X Planetary Vehicle Repair Kit Raptor 1

And of course this list will continue to grow until the final whistle, but is dependant on you clearing the Goals.

Keep up the great work Folks!

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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Entering into Day Seven of the Coops Challenge and so far you have broken NINE stages of the 36 in total. Congratulations!

As Promised I said I would begin adding items to the 'Goodie Sack' for when the Challenge is over. As you break more goals I will add more items to the Sack. Adding more items to the sack it now looks like :

Coops Challenge Goodie Sack

500 Festive Points
15 SNARG Treats
400 Sven Barter Points
10 X Stamina Stim 100 + 100 HP Pack
10 X Planetary Vehicle Repair Kit Raptor 1
1 X IP Reset
1,000 Skill Points

And of course this list will continue to grow until the final whistle, but is dependant on you clearing the Goals. I note that you have also burnt nearly 1,000,000 Fuel in this endeavour so far! I'll be adding another special bonus to the pile if and when you cross that magical 3 Million Fuel mark!

Keep up the great work Folks!

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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Entering into Day Eight of the Coops Challenge and so far you have broken TEN stages of the 36 in total. Congratulations!

As Promised I said I would begin adding items to the 'Goodie Sack' for when the Challenge is over. As you break more goals I will add more items to the Sack. Adding more items to the sack it now looks like :

Coops Challenge Goodie Sack

600 Festive Points
15 SNARG Treats
400 Sven Barter Points
10 X Stamina Stim 100 + 100 HP Pack
10 X Planetary Vehicle Repair Kit Raptor 1
2 X IP Reset
2,000 Skill Points
10 X 30% XP Boosters

Passed 1 Million Fuel Burnt!
It seems early today you managed to break a 1 Million Fuel Burnt marker and as its Friday (here) and a Weekend Looms I'm awarding Everyone a 4K Fuel Bonus to their fuel depot accounts.

That's 4K towards helping pay off your fuel burnt so far this last 8 days!

Have a good weekend folks!

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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Ten days in folks and your hammering on those goals! So far as of this morning you have completed Fourteen out of the 36 targets. Fuel wise you've burnt through 1,473,704 units of fuel between you since the start.

The only section that has not had a single entry yet is the RAID Kills. It might be a good idea to get the gang together for the coming weekend and hammer out some of the those RAIDS whilst you can.

The Global Fuel reward sits at 7,000 units of Fuel and as per my promise the Coops Sack of Goodies now looks like this :

Coops Challenge Goodie Sack

700 Festive Points
20 SNARG Treats
500 Sven Barter Points
15 X Stamina Stim 100 + 100 HP Pack
15 X Planetary Vehicle Repair Kit Raptor 1
2 X IP Reset
3,000 Skill Points
15 X 30% XP Boosters
10 X Supra Nano Ammo Pack
10 X Halloween O2 Packs

The Coops Sack of Goodies sure is starting to bulge!

Keep up the good work Folks! You have till midnight on the 5th of October!
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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

Update to the Coops Challenge. You have now broken in to SEVENTEEN of the 36 Goals set in the Challenge, so I think that deserves a pat on the back folks! - So far the challenge has led you to burn 1,928,341 units of fuel!

Six days left and 19 Challenge Goals left, three of those are RAIDS and we saw no RAID activity this last weekend. That leaves you ONE more weekend left before the 5th. You have till Midnight to down as many Goals as you can.

Until the the Coops Sack of Goodies keeps on growing and now looks like this :

Coops Challenge Goodie Sack

800 Festive Points
20 SNARG Treats
700 Sven Barter Points
15 X Stamina Stim 100 + 100 HP Pack
15 X Planetary Vehicle Repair Kit Raptor 1
2 X IP Reset
5,000 Skill Points
15 X 30% XP Boosters
10 X Supra Nano Ammo Pack
10 X Halloween O2 Packs
10 X Personal Shield Packs

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Re: Second 'Coops Challenge'

Post by Coops »

OK Folks, you have TWO MORE FULL days ahead to complete the outstanding Challenges!

So Far you have managed to clear 20 of the 36 Challenges. not bad, but not as good as last time so get those lasers working overtime, haul as much as you can and generally fill in where you can on the outstanding challenges.

In case you missed it : ... llenge.php

As you've now reached 20 Challenges I thought it was time to update the Coops Sack of Goodies!

Coops Challenge Goodie Sack

2,000 Festive Points
20 SNARG Treats
1,000 Sven Barter Points
20 X Stamina Stim 100 + 100 HP Pack
20 X Planetary Vehicle Repair Kit Raptor 1
2 X IP Reset
10,000 Skill Points
20 X 30% XP Boosters
15 X Supra Nano Ammo Pack
15 X Halloween O2 Packs
15 X Personal Shield Packs
20 X Festive Tokens (to be used with Sally Longstrom)
10 X Rexx F.O2 Strawberry (Medium)
10 X Rexx F.O2 Blueberry (Medium)
10 X Random U.A. Minerals
10 X Random U.A. Metals
10 X Random Gemstones
1 X Random Fragment Refinery (Tradeable)*
25 X Adv E.B.K Booster Kit (Armour) T1
25 X Adv E.B.K Booster Kit (Hull) T1
25 X Adv E.B.K Booster Kit (Shield) T1
1 X Random Mega Mall (Tradeable)*

*tradeable items refers to the fact they can be traded with other players.

I think you'll agree this is becoming ONE SUPER sizes Goodie Bag!

Keep on hacking away at those Challenges and COME ON lets see some RAIDS go down!

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
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