Midsummer Pavillion Collection

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Midsummer Pavillion Collection

Post by PrimeMcNee »

The festival grounds are taking shape now.

On the 'Artistic Ally' the first traders have arrived and are preparing their booths.
A lot of crafters are expected to show their talents in creative skills here.
It's even rumoured, that at some stage Rexx Shredd will arrive to present his latest fashion designs.

The 'Sports Ally' is great fun to watch or to participate.
Some games are the opposite of what you would expect.
For example, to win a prize in the Ribblez Bowling contest, you need to evade 5 strikes in a row, wich is very difficult when the Ribblez multiply.

Also the missing staff members have arrived now, but they are a bit upset.
Although the collection of BBQ items seems to go well, it turns out the ships of Prev and Shinter were also raided by pirates.

Prev and Shinter were carrying some crucial resources to build up the Pavillions, where the BBQ is supposed to be served.
Prior to that there a big Tombola Party is planned, in wich fortunate captains can win resources and items, that were donated by private sponsors for this Festival.
The Pavillions would also be the places, where captains can chill, relax, tell stories, have a pint or just enjoy the music from bands from all over the known Galaxies.
But to be honest, listening to the Naristo Cover Band isn't appreciated by all captains I spoke sofar, that had already seen and heared this band play.

To be able to give you all the accomodation we had in mind, we are now short of some modules to build these Pavillions.

Again I ordered my AI to adjust the BBQ Collection NPC's for a separate collection.
You will be rewarded for this BBQ module collection separate from the BBQ resources collection.

I humbly request all crafters to assist us in this final building stage, sothat we can open this Festival for visitors as soon as possible.

You can locate the BBQ Collection NPC by using the CE Finder icon on the bottom of your screen.

All that take part in this collection will receive a handsome reward and the top 10 donating captains will receive a very special prize.
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Re: Midsummer Pavillion Collection

Post by Kangaroo »

Do YOU realize that the BBQ NPC on CSA Restricted at Ethan will be having a BBQ that is not in PrimeMcNee's plans?

The mad scientists' dream of the Unstable Infernanium bomb has finally been developed with a Magnetic Andium cover to keep it stable. The entire BBQ pavilion (full of commercial brews of course) will be soaked in reactive gas and lit off with Hyper-O2!!!!!!

If you want to survive the conflagration and be the first to settle the emptied planets, the Survivors Guild urge you to stock up on instant meals and go hide in the farthest reaches of the galaxies. Shelters are being set up for true believers at DSV-SYN-01, Prometheus, and Queoss.
Be prepared! PM me with 1 million credits before the BBQ for further details.

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Re: Midsummer Pavillion Collection

Post by Coops »

Just to clarify, (for anyone else) the collections are all connected and that Office Point was opened for testing.
A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
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Re: Midsummer Pavillion Collection

Post by PrimeMcNee »

Thanks to your assistance and Galfeds generousity the Masters of Ceremony have good faith the Midsummer Festival will open its grounds soon, maybe by the end of this week.

Prev and Shinter are busy sorting out the mess, that the pirates made by going through the crates that contained our supplies.
That will take them a day or 2 to see if there's any more need to continue the collection of resources by the CE community.

As soon as we are convinced we have all we need, my AI will shut down the BBQ Collection NPC.