Verec-Per to Furnace, how to make the most of your non-comba

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Verec-Per to Furnace, how to make the most of your non-comba

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ShadowSword [IMG]
Apr 4th 2011 edited
From VP to Monov my includes...

9x First class: average fee 80k*, so 9 x 80,000 = 720,000
9x Second class: average fee 60k*, so 9 x 60,000 = 540,000
9x Third class: average fee 40k*, so 9 x 40,000 = 360,000

Cargo Capacity of 880, from Angusti to Monov I can make approx 1.5k* per unit of cargo so approx earnings of: 1,320,000

*= Note: all numbers rounded down and simplified from what I actually can make.

Total passenger earnings: 1,620,000
Total cargo earnings: 1,320,000
Total earnings: 2,940,000

** This assumes picking up passengers anywhere from Voren to Braran, going via Tig, to carry them anywhere between Aurelia to Monov, preferring those that go further.

If you really want to make the big bucks though... add in a courier mission from Zhusul(80k to 300k) that aims to have you go somewhere along that route (as far along as possible) and also add in a mining mission(250k to 450k, dependent on amount of ore to find) from Kalard to say; Hyperion. Then, do the same for the way back (although without the courier mission). Do be aware, this can require ~2.5-4k fuel (hugely variable depending on mining luck!). This also gives you some (rare) ores to sell/use in crafting etc... NB Furnace ores are in demand at the moment!

Therefore, doing this method, you cold earn anything from 3million credits up to possibly over 3.6million credits, as well as gaining ores to sell and gaining xp in Union, Wesbec (maybe some Ashar), FOM and Courier.
And Viola, I've revealed the core of what I do on a daily basis, however I actually make more then that and any FOM/Courier/Union captain worth his salt has knows how to maximise his gains with little tricks here and there, when to use the XP booster and all. (FYI, engage the booster as you enter furnace as you are mostly just dropping off passengers here to gain xp in Union, then head straight to mine, mine as much as poss, ignore regular ore, then make sure you go to the mining mission screen and complete the mission while the booster is still active, if you have loads of time left, keep mining until the last 4-10mins depending on where the courier mission is and then head off and do that [or if the mission can be done before you get to the roid field then do that too]. The reason for mining after the mission is complete is that if you head off and try loading up passengers, you can take a while finding them and during this time you are NOT earning xp, so why waste the booster time, make the most of it).

Can all captains that find this useful/already do this please +1 this post as I took a while to write it and reveal a fair bit and therefore I'd like to know how useful this is/if it really is the best way.

Notes From other Captains:-
With very high luck much more is possible to make from one run. At the last try i was able to get one 1st class from Monov to Vosay for 123k, and to fill up all 27 places with either Anvil or VP passengers from Monov to Tauri. For a premium bonus Monov (like Andromeda) has a Ashar office. It is hard work to fill up 600+ holds with packages to VP from it, but worth any click.

I wonder, Couriers for sure could find work also in the Furnace, possible we will see 2-3 new offices soon.
Bad for them is, that they count as normal NPC mission, so i cannot make a courier run while hunting down those missing crates for Dr. Jenny (or taking care of Albert Caruther).

Beside of big income and faction experience this is also a way how to level quite fast, when you have enough fuel. Work slowely until you can get a bigger hauler, equip a passenger module (the best you can get) and start hauling them, until you can pick up lvl 1-3 to Furnace. Soon you will be able to pick up those 70k class 1 for the far away areas in Furnace.

I normally don't do the VP to Furnace run but my runs do look similar otherwise.

I pick the furthest point I am willing to travel from my settlement in Iribis. (Lets say Andromeda in Furnace). Okay, now I start loading anything from Aurelia to Andromedia, including the small loop that includes Derren Riangulum, Yetti, Terran, Valkyrie and Talos. I also include any 1 off or short arms.

I currently carry 8 of each class in my Luxor 2 plus the 415 cargo. I fill up on Ashar, or a combination of Ashar and Wesbec and start my haul.

Each time I dock and off load a passenger I replace it with another between where I am and my end point. (As I get closer to the end I start loading up on passengers back to the Sphere). If there is an Ashar, or Wesbec if I have room, I will check in there to keep my cargo hold close to full.

I typically make 2 million plus without any problem. I really don't pay any attention to XP as my primary purpose is to earn money, the XP is a by-product of that.

I will also pick up a FOM mission to work on. Sometimes in the Sphere, if I have extractors that will need tending, or in Furnace.

The 1st time i have my frame filled up with 15 1st class passengers from VP to Furnace, from Solaris to Tibalm, 6 groups that same, average reward 109k ... in passengers is that 2,2M
Using the NEI it is fast now, and i refill 1st class passengers and cargo load in the Sphere (need to check how the new settlement attacks are working). Also it is nearly impossible today to find enough 1st class passengers in VP for only one region in Furnace.

So yes, it is possible to use the ShadowSword Passenger Frame for that ... and you can make a lot of credits.

nice work to letting us know. the reward of a passanger carrier.

i currently doing simple taking wespik from my settlement in warlo take a fom from vp to amun or any cnear by system with astroid 400-500 k fom if possible. go to the blake further side and earn 2.1m exp and make same on return trip so it earn me anywhere between 4.2m from wespik alone by spending 3k fuel andnot counting doing 2 big fom as fuel spend is variable.
Dana Dawson
Data Recovery Tech
Historical Archives Division
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