Ingame Acronyms/Abbreviations

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Historical Archives
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Ingame Acronyms/Abbreviations

Post by Historical Archives »

Jun 14th 2009 edited
Lots of people (new and old) keep asking what certain acronyms mean. So here is a list of the most common acronyms used by players either in irc or on the main forum. Throughout the guide an abbreviation might be followed by the letter "x", this is merely space saving, and basically represents the series or version of an item. e.g. "Stanson 1" means Stanson Shield Mk 1, "Stanson 2" means Stanson Shield Mk 2 etc.

CE = Core Exiles
SU = Shields Up (what CE was called in the before time)
SD = Shields Down (fan site)
irc = The Main Chatroom (Internet Relay Chat) #core-exiles
CEDR = Core Exiles Data Repository
IGM = Ingame Mail (also known as "Ship Mail")
PM = Player Market/Personmal Message (when in irc)
GBM = Galactic Buyers Market
PA = Premium Account Holder

Alu Ore = Alucite Ore
Bio Goods/Biogen Goods = Biogenetic Goods
Byza Ore = Byzillium Ore
Comm Brews = Commercial Brews
Comm Furniture = Commercial Furniture
Comm Tech = Commercial Technology
CCPs = Construction Components
DCM = Data Cube Military
DCP = Data Cube Public
Dom Chem = Domestic Chemicals
Dom Furniture = Domestic Furniture
Dylith Gas/Ore = Dylithium Gas/Ore
Dyt Ore = Dyterium Ore
Dyza Fuel = Dyzalithiaum Fuel
ECPs = Electronic Components
HTCs = Hi-Tech Components
Med Comp = Medical Components
Ref Chem = Refined Chemicals
Ref Dyt = Refined Dyterium
Ref Metal = Refined Metal
Ref Ore = Refined Ore
Ref Tris = Refined Trisiolate Gas
Ref Tryonite = Refined Tryonite
Tech Goods = Technological Goods
Tess Gas/Ore = Tessarine Gas/Ore
Traylon = Traylon Gas
Trig Ore = Trigenite Ore

AH 1/2 = Arcangel's Hammer 1/2
ZP 1/2 = Zenith Phaser 1/2
SB 1/2 = StormBringer Phaser 1/2

Chronos x = Chronos Shield System Mk x
Defender x = Defender Series x
Gorgon x = Gorgon Shield Rev x
Stanson x = Stanson Shield Rev x

Blitz x = Blitz Reactor Ver x
Hammer x = Hammer Reactor Mk x
Storm x = Storm Reactor Rev x
Tesla x = Tesla Reactor x
Wraith x = Wraith Reactor Rev x

QEx = Quantum Evo/Eon Expander x
RPx = Recycling Processing Unit RPx

Comm Ex or CE = Commercial Extractor
Indy or IE = Industrial Extractor
PE = Personal Extractor

Engineering - not to be confused with the process of Engineering only available to those with Premium Accounts.

EBKs = Emergency Booster Kits (either Shield, Armour or Hull)
EDKs = Exploration Deployment Kits (either Basic, Generic or Advanced)

Mod = Module (Used to build larger items)
Debris = Space Debris (used in Engineering)
Schem = Schematic

Prod/Manu = Production and Manufacturing skills (either required for a build, or level posessed by a player)

+Lx = x number of Yellow crystals used (reduces Level requirement)
+Dx = x number of Red crystals used (increases weapon damage output)
+Sx = x number of Blue crystals used (reduces skill requirement for an item)
+Ex = x number of Grey crystals used (reduces energy requirement for an item)
+Px = x number of Green crystals used (increases item performance)
e.g. AH1+D3 = Arcangels Hammer Mk 1 + 3 Red crystals

I hope this helps.
Dana Dawson
Data Recovery Tech
Historical Archives Division
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