Settlmeent Events Issue

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Settlmeent Events Issue

Post by Coops »

Issue Resolved
It came to my attention today that there was a Ghost in the Machine somewhere in the Settlement Event code. Once you passed your 13th event it was generating a few odd random blank events. No one had reported this (Guess no one is reading their events any more) but I spotted the issue when checking on the stats for events.

I have this morning resolved the issue but in the process I had to delete the empty events from your logs. This wont affect the outcomes of those events and wont have done you any harm. There was approx 60 events generated in this fashion out of 2841.

A Final Warning to Some...
I would seriously suggest that as you start to approach deeper event levels that you at least 'Monitor' your settlement stats as the deeper you go with low or in some case no service cover the harsher these events will get.

From day one I've harped on about how 'low level' we would start things off and that over time they would beef up. I will NOT be wrestling Settlements from the Official Receiver if you loose them through a lack of attention. You have All been equally warned and even triple warned.

Those of you with no CAIC at this stage (LOTS OF YOU) are playing a very dangerous game. Whilst you may find weak and impoverish negative events at this point in time, as you plough deeper into the Event system you may find this type of cavalier attitude to be your undoing.

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Re: Settlmeent Events Issue

Post by Coops »

Seems my last stage of tinkering caused a small issue with Events that were / are designed to 'award' resources. Closer inspection revealed that many of these type of events were working but not actually dropping of the resource.

With over 4000 events now logged it would take me far to long to retro fit these events so instead I have converted the main Bio text of the events that were affected. These will have a specific message from me (Coops) inside them.

Follow the very simple instructions inside the event and claim a reward. Each claim will be verified and then processed. So please don't try pulling the wool :)

This affects a VERY small % but I figured I'd be nice and handle these as and when you spot them. I'll leave it up to you to review the events (Good Ones) that claimed to have dropped resources.

In the mean time the bug has been resolved (and checked) so wont be causing a problem in future.

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Re: Settlmeent Events Issue

Post by Coops »

Thank you to those of you following the clear instructions in the Events. Those of you simply sending me Pm's saying 'I got one of those events' PLEASE READ the EVENT text! The process is simple and fairly quick.

Also just to clarify, once your resources have been left at the collection point, and a reply PM sent letting you know they are there, they will NOT be reissued if you fail to collect them.

So claim and monitor your in-box, then once you have confirmation go to the collection point and collect them :)
A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
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