Settlement Events

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Settlement Events

Post by Achilleos »

I was really looking forward to this happening but I have to say that I'm a little disappointed that those of us without the Settlement Central AI Complex building are to be punished so quickly, and I don't think it's very fair to say those of us without the building have stuck our heads in the sand.
Yes we've had an extension to them beginning but considering that the schematic was only released a few weeks ago and for the amount of resources required, especially for those of us with two settlements I don't feel there has been anywhere near long enough.
I'm still trying to gather resources to craft the first building so have zero chance of crafting two within a few days.
Yes I could use the gbm and blow all the money I'm trying to save for my level 6 licence but then with all the other settlement owners requesting the same resources we can't all get supplied immediately anyway, it takes 131 days for an industrial to extract the copper ore alone ( and thats with a reduction matrix 4).
I've got 4 industrials on copper ore now and another captain extracting resources for me on a contract basis but it will still take me another month to reach the required amount, and thats just the one resource, we still have large amounts of another 8 resources to gather.
And then when I do finally get the buildings placed I have to then use my srp on the research for the AI building and set my level six back a good year or two.

Sorry for my whinging coops, I love what your doing with the game but feel this is unnecessarily harsh - or maybe I'm panicking and over reacting :? .
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by Pablem »

Don't forget about Sven. Good time to empty the coffers of ROLFs, DMs, and excess space debris.
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by Stanton Fisk »

I don't think you're over reacting at all Achilleos.

I agree with everything you've said. I haven't had my head in the sand. I do care. This building we are required to build takes a lot of resources to build. As a crafter, I try not to rely on the Galactic Buyers Market for resources that I can extract/mine/loot myself. That's part of my gaming playing style. I'm trying to save credits too.

I will not have this building in place before the events start. I only hope I will not have too many detrimental events before I do get it in place.

This has taught me you pay more attention to the dev notes and forum posts. Also, maybe I will start hoarding basic resources in case of future sudden crafting projects.
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by sirfoxey »

I really don't see what the issue with using the GBM is. If everyone didn't use the GBM then the trade would just stop. The whole idea of this game is that you trade and barter with other captains to gather what you need. It is a core part of the game, if you did use the GBM you would quickly have the items you need as the build doesn't require much in the way of rare resources. I was able too with my stocks, droffy's stocks and some reasonably priced GBMs build one for my VP sett and one for my expanse sett. Along with also helping supply resources so droffy could build one for his VP sett and one for his expanse sett. This was all within about 24hrs of them being released too. Yes I have gathered a nice collection of resources in my CS but it is by no means a huge one and properly only holds about 50% of the items available in the game.
You could also ask your guild to help with the build and pay them in other resources or methods which you can agree upon as repayment.

I don't see a months notice of implementing a change to be unreasonable given the above. I also feel you are panicking somewhat as the events haven't even started flowing. Being on staff I have seen the dev work and testing on this and Coops has put a lot of time, a lot more than I would have if I was in his shoes to ensure that captains who don't have a AI complex are not hit too hard initially. Yes if you don't concentrate on getting one built quickly you will find that the events are not very favourable.

Given the expansion that this offers captains in regards to new events and bonuses. I for one are looking extremely forward to another method of gaining bonuses from having a settlement and it also gives me another place to invest SRP into to gain even better results.

While I appreciate your concerns, I also think until the events start flowing that getting all whiney about something that hasn't even started yet is a bit pre-emptive.

(I am not say this because I am staff, that has nothing to do with this it is my personal opinion.) But there seems to be a lot of players who do not see the whole picture of some recent additions and complain unfairly to coops. This addition adds a whole new dimension to the game which I for one can't thank Coops enough. For a browser based game which can be played completely for free, the sheer growth and expansion is unheard of. I challenge anyone to find a more complex, in-depth and expansive browser based game which you can play for free. These comments are not aimed at OP or anyone else, but just my general feeling from recent postings on the forums and chat in IRC.
Step back and look at the whole picture of the recent additions, most are not what they immediately seem and add some great content which adds even more to the playability and life of the game.
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by UncleBod »

I had a GBM order for Copper ore at three times base price that hardly didn't move at all. Since I found other sources, I coulkd remove it. But really, in this case GBM wasn't the answer.
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by sirfoxey »

UncleBod wrote:I had a GBM order for Copper ore at three times base price that hardly didn't move at all. Since I found other sources, I coulkd remove it. But really, in this case GBM wasn't the answer.
And that is a ongoing problem which is really a thread of it's own. People do not see the benefit in trading with others and want to horde their stocks. If everyone freely traded what they had to others who needed it more then everyone would benefit. As when they needed something people would quickly trade to them and visa versa. If everyone was trading there would not be a need to horde stocks as you would know that you could get what ever you needed when you needed it and we would see far more rapid production of items needing resources and also a far more balanced and reasonable price all items.
As I said, this is really a thread of it's own and off topic for this thread. I see your point Unclebod and are glad that you found other avenues and hopefully people who still need to build their AI complex can get help from guilds, the gbm and also by joining the IRC channel and trading with players there in real time. I think people overlook the value of joining the IRC channel when they are logged in and playing the game. Some great conversation about CE goes on in there and a huge number of instant real time trades occur often at a discounted price as everyone is friends in there and just wants to help rather than cash in and rape someone dry of creds.
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by pikolinianita »

I play a lot of time, and I think Coops is quite fair Game Master. And Fear Not, weak Events won't kill you :)

Note to Coops: 18M of copper in game is not so much, While one need 1,5M for Starbase, 300k for Expanse Hubs, and I guess much more for Expanse buildings :(. Not to mention many things which require small amoounts (and factory use too).
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by Bebeb »

Personally i have always wondered why miners continue to ignore so called low price resources (then again perhaps they aren't), they have had access to for a long time, I pick up every scrap of loot i see in any activity i am doing and have done so from day one. This along with running Ore mines on my sett since it was high enough level to fit them (along with the continual buying of all resources from low level players) has meant i have had little need to scramble for basic resources for any crafting project that came along for me or any of my guild mates that may not have been as ready to pay storage fees as i am.

For me it has always been the hard to get resources in large quantities that has been the bug bear and sends me to the GBM with a wad of credits to get what is needed at an irresistible (for the sellers) price.

When the C.A.I.C. schems were released i made mine in less than 30 mins and helped a few guild members that needed it with some of the stocks i had left over that got them theirs in fairly quick order. I am still running an ore mine on my sett so the numbers of these ores is on the rise again and in time i will fill as many of the GBMs as i can.

But i have to ask if i can have done it along with a lot of other uses for these resources why the uproar? After all there are so many ways to get copper and other low cost and easily extracted resources, I guess it comes back to priorities at the time.
Coops always looks at the stocked resources in our CS's before designing new schems for the game and as SirFoxey says trading will not harm you in the long run. I understand a lot find the daily CS charges an impost they don't want to bear, in that case why not send it to your guild store instead? you will find the guild leaders will see this as a positive activity on your part as they are aware there are times huge amounts of resources are needed for something new and shiney in CE.

I find it hard to read the never ending complaining about some aspect of a new addition to the game, It's not as though some snotty nosed teenager is mauling you due to inactivity, all Coops has ever asked for is a look at the dev and ISN posts in the forums to keep yourself up to date with what is on the horizon (not as though there are that many of them every week) and maybe including some planning for what is coming.
Going back to CE being in beta means we will get the occasional kick in the pants but we are never put to the sword so to speak and these things are tightened up as the players absorb what is required for certain things. This is something else that has to be planned for when placing and leveling a settlement up which is not a bad thing IMHO.

p.s. you wont go broke filling any GBM i put up (I might but you wont).
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by Shinter »

pikolinianita wrote:Note to Coops: 18M of copper in game is not so much, While one need 1,5M for Starbase, 300k for Expanse Hubs, and I guess much more for Expanse buildings :(. Not to mention many things which require small amoounts (and factory use too).
Just to point out, that is the current stocks, which is likely much reduced from what these looked like before everyone tried to make their CAIC's. Yes, there are many other things which require Copper (although none of them go into effect this week, so priorities...), but the point is that there is still enough copper out there right now to make a number of these buildings, you just have to pry these resources from peoples death grips :P

I also don't know if that includes the resources stored in Guild stores, but either way you might try seeing if your guild can help you out if you are still in need. That should be what they are there for, after all ;)
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Re: Settlement Events

Post by sidewinder fang »

I got the AI complex within about 48 hours for only 30 million credits, the way CE operates you can generally either do things cheaply or quickly, so if you're not willing to invest credits into buying resources of course its going to take longer.

If it was up to me there would have been no extensions, you've had about a month and its not like your settlement will disintegrate as soon as the first event hits it. Personally I'm a great believer in the stick as a motivational force, there's nothing like watching your settlement slowly burning down and sinking into a swamp to motivate someone to part with their credits, if you're still going to be a cheapskate about it then do so at your peril, I won't shed any tears for the guy who's house burns down because he wasn't willing to buy a fire extinguisher.
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