Prizes for Events - [CLOSED]

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Prizes for Events - [CLOSED]

Post by Coops »

OK this is a competition that will be run all month. It's designed to get your creative brains working and for you to not only get a chance to see your prose in the game but also win some cool prizes!

The competition is open to everyone and you may enter as many times as you wish over the month. As always there are some rules so please take a few seconds to READ them :) and I'll ask kindly that we keep off topic chat down to Zero to make it easier for me to read and choose winning posts.

The Competition
I'm looking for Settlement Events. These can be GOOD or BAD but must relate to a settlement. I will list some 'ideas below' to kick-start your creative thoughts. You should leave the physical stats to us to add but please indicate if the event is good or bad if the text is indeterminate.
Example : Captain, whilst you were away a Gentleman by the name of Rexx came to visit. He caused quiet a stir, landing in his golden 'Probe Ship' and surrounded by his colourful entourage of staff. We managed to locate a suitable berth for him during his stay, but his appearance did cause some major issues.

It appears that half the staff went missing from their posts during his visit. They were found roaming the settlement with a look of bewilderment after their meeting with Rexx. Some are still feeling the after affects now. Also some were taken quiet ill and were admitted to sick bay shortly after their run in with Rex.

He left a few hours ago to wild applause and a large gathering of Settlement staff around his ship. It's unclear who were there to see him off and who was there to simply make sure he left.

Settlement Funds - 3%
Settlement Morale +5%
That's an example of the length. We are not looking for one liners or manuscripts. You could have almost any activity affect the settlement from Shield Failures, Theft, Riots, Tourism issues. Local issues like Promenade stores or Settlement buildings acting up etc. These events could be good as well as bad.

You can also bring in local system based items like RAID's Asteroid Fields, Nebulae Local Star-bases, planets. Activities which impact on the settlement. We will ensure that such events are only triggered should they meet the criteria within.

Most of all we are looking for fun and inventive ways to make settlement events bring a smile to captains lips. Sure their shield may be slagged and a ravenous horde of Pirates is rampaging through the Settlement, but it's just another fun filled day in CE - Ohh look they left behind a Crate of Terovite Gas :)

#1 You may post as many times as you wish.
#2 Keep post on topic.
#3 Keep them roughly three paragraphs in length.
#4 We may edit your post to fit - Don't post unless your happy with that.

Prizes - Everyone loves Prizes!
Each Captain I choose who has one, or more, of his entries selected can choose 'A' Prize from Below. I will post the winners at the conclusion of the competition and each captain can then contact me with his or her prize selection.

Choose ONE From Below
20K Fuel Ticket
6 Month PA
Level 5 Bio Engine
SMC Ship Part of your Choice
Rigal Scanner of your Choice
Universal Hanger License
Golden Eagle Account Upgrade
Critical Loot Account Upgrade
+200 Max Health
S.R.P Account Bonus Upgrade
+50 Emporium Stock

So get thinking and get posting! I will judge the posts myself as they need to be tailored and packed in to the Events system. But you get points for humour and thinking outside the box.

Staff MAY enter this competition.

Closing Date for Entries : 28th Feb Midnight (Game Time)

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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by Shinter »

Captain, we’ve had a bit of a situation regarding those abandoned derelict ships in orbit. Yes, Captain, I know you do your part to clear out as many of those as you can. Actually, that’s sort of the problem. You know the explosives we use to get you out? Well, as it turns out that has a tendency to de-stabilize the orbits of many of those derelicts, causing them to drop onto nearby planets, occasionally into settlements, such as this one.

So the bad news is that the settlement took a bit of a hit, but we’ve got the repair crews working on it and we should be back up and running at full capacity in the near future. The good news is that there was some unclaimed derelict loot that the repair crews were able to salvage in the wreckage, which you can review in the screens below.

The other bad news - well, you know all those pirates and people in fancy dress that you always run into while raidi…err exploring those derelicts? Well, a few of them may still have been on board the ship when it crashed, and might be running loose through the settlement. We do have a security force, don’t we?

Settlement HP -X
Resources +X

(I would probably call this a Good event, but there’s a bit of both)
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by PrimeMcNee »

Captain: A plasmic storm disturbed the data bank and a large portion of the electronic circuits of a vessel travelling the system, where your settlement is located.

The vessel crashlanded at our settlement, because normal docking procedures weren't followed, but all passengers and the pilot survived.
After repair the vessel was on it's way, but in the chaos following upon this event 3 passengers stranded at your settlement.

Your staff solved this problem by contracting the next vessel docking at your settlement for their transport.
Union rewarded your staff with a free transport to and from any location they desired during their next annual leave for holidays.

Settlement HP: -3%
Settlement Morale: +5%
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by jcheung »

i can't say i like the though of losing a % of my sett funds...
Captain, we have received some unsettling news from our engineering department. Due to a set of contaminated shield emitters being installed in the last maintenance action, your shields have been quite well wrecked. I told you to check your parts before accepting them, but what do I know?

Thankfully, our supplier's ship was caught right in the middle of our catastrophic shield failure rendering it quite immobile while our security teams seized it. We managed to trade the ship back to the supplier for a new shield, and a small sum for our troubles.

No captain, it would not have been wise to just keep the ship and sell it! We need our shields intact.

Settlement Shield: 0%
Settlement Funds: +1,000,000
WARNING, WARNING, This is the command post with a weather advisory. There will be a Class X-42 solar flare event happening shortly. Please take shelter within the settlement shields or docking bays immediately. I say again, this is the comm-oh my...

Captain, there's no need for you to wake up screaming and running into bulkheads when you hear a settlement announcement. On the other hand, your reaction may have been warranted this time, since quite a few ships decided not to heed our warning and took the flare head on. Needless to say, they made spectacular fireworks as their shields were shredded, I even recorded some for review later.

Here's the bad news. Some of those disabled wrecks had the audacity to tumble in our direction, scratching our freshly repaired and painted amour plates. Unfortunately, you spent all the extra funds we made from patching up the wrecks on getting your head put back on straight after your date with the bulkhead.

What do you mean you sneaked a couple crates off that last ship? That's illegal! Oh well, they're long gone. Let's open them up and see what we got.

Settlement HP: -10%
Settlement Morale: -5%
+ resources
Captain, Captain wake up right now! The annual inspectors are here! Why didn't you prepare for them when you got the notice last month?

Well, that was a fiasco, they found all sorts of standards violated. Bare wires by oxygen lines, support columns held by a single bolt, mold in the air conditioning just to name a few of the lesser problems. I think they may have overlooked some of that had your cheap reactor containment field rated for half of what it was used for hadn't failed as they were inspecting it!

You should be happy they let you off with a fine and a warning. Don't you dare blame this on me, you had a month to prepare.

Settlement Funds: -200,000
Settlement Morale: -5%
Captain, I finally have some good news for you today. What do you mean you don't care? Alright, I'll go ahead and dump this shipment of goods in the waste trea- Hey, stop hitting things and yelling, I'll put this in the warehouse.

We won some prize from a random lottery you entered a few months ago. How should I know which one? You enter so many of them. No, I will not approve your entering of more lotteries!

Settlement Funds: +100,000
+ resources
Last edited by jcheung on Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by sidewinder fang »

Flight of the Valkyries

Well captain, this is quite a sight to behold, your settlement recently had quite the exceptional visitor, the famous Kyara Wilde, or as she’s better know, the Wild Angel of the Wastes.

She’s been everything from an outlaw and bounty hunter to joint CEO of one of the sphere’s most rapidly growing weapons and equipment retailers, which also bears her name, most recently she’s stepped down and become the leader of a group known as the Valkyries, they’re an elite guerrilla unit who specialise in taking the fight to the AI invaders.

She was only passing through but her presence seems to have an emboldening effect on our settlements staff, or perhaps an intimidating one, I certainly wouldn’t want to go up against the woman who wrestled AI assault droids with her bare hands, and won.

+ Sett Morale
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by Pablem »

Big Corporate Retreat

Wow, those multi-galaxy corporations really know how to throw an Executive Conference. All those fancy meetings with food and entertainment. People arriving on private yachts, no Union passengers in this bunch. If I didn't have the documentation in my data banks I would say it was a huge party. Lots of credits were spent, that is one definite plus.

However they were a very demanding bunch. Griped about every empty hors d'oeuvres plate or when the open bars ran dry. The staff are not happy, especially when one guest was heard stating that tipping isn't tax-deductible.

These executives acted like they owned the place and there were many disagreements between them and the local population, especially transit personnel and local store owners. And one of the potted palm trees from the hotel's foyer went missing. Security is recommending that we add extra staff for the next conference like this one.

Shipbuilder Pablem Chief Entrepreneur, Citrus Enterprises
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by Pablem »

Ocean's 2015

The big cinema came to life this week as your settlement was targeted by highly skilled thieves. I am happy to report that the attempt to hack the credit transfer system to misdirect funds was thwarted by our cyber-security team. While I am sure the thieves would have been happy to steal those credits, that attack may have only been a diversion.

The cyber attack's real purpose was to override the security warning system so that the settlement vault's alerts went to dev>null. This allowed the thieves to storm the vault and make off with a truck load of material before backup could respond. The truck was last seen driving into a Liberator which already had lift-off clearance and quickly disappeared. On the bright side, they did not have the storage plan for the vault and only had time to open a few bins before leaving, so you may not have lost anything too important.

We are attempting to negotiate trivid script rights but there are already similar versions of this same scheme available. It would be nice to be on the side where the police win for once and our resources are recovered.

Shipbuilder Pablem Chief Entrepreneur, Citrus Enterprises
HQ located at Citrus Pass, Tig
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by Rexx Shredd »

Say Cheese

Well, Captain, apparently the Javorans have a new psyche weapon and - today - your Settlement was used as a guinea pig. As the enemy fleet entered the system, several of the ships deployed component devices into space that eventually merged themselves into an array of sorts. When the Javorans triggered the large mechanism, a very peculiar thing happened on your Settlement:

Your entire Settlement staff believed they were Pizza Delivery workers. Missile Operators abandoned their posts to deliver invisible pizzas to Security Personnel, who - in turn - abandoned their posts to spread the joy of unseen tomato and cheese culinary delights to others throughout the Settlement. Even some of the Medical staff tried to deliver their phantom pizzas to Engineering specialists and waited impatiently with palms-upraised for a gratuity! This behavior continued uninterrupted for exactly fifty seconds, but it was time enough for a small attack on your facility with nary a defense in place

Captain, I am almost positive that this weapon is in its proto-type stage and, as the Javorans will probably study today's results, I am positive that we will see another attack like this in the future

Settlement Funds - 1%
Settlement Morale - 2%
Last edited by Rexx Shredd on Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:22 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by Rexx Shredd »

Eye of The Beholder

Captain, whilst you were away, a Javoran by the name of Dderhs Xxer came to visit us and - although not hostile in intent - he seemed to cause quite a ruckus! First, he complained that there were no exoskeleton buffing stations around the promenade. He then further grumbled that he could not find a manicurist for his talons

Later, he had the audacity to boast to our crew that he was the finest living specimen in the universe and that we all should be thanking him continuously for gracing our settlement. Some of our female staff seemed to be completely enamored by this alien - one of which gave him a donation out of the station's treasury!!

Dderhs Xxer left a few hours ago and was seen off by wild applause and a large gathering of Settlement staff around his ship. It's unclear who were there to see him off and who was there to simply make sure he left.....Thank goodness no human counterpart of an alien like this exists, right Captain?.........Um, Captain?...........Right?.......Captain?.......

Settlement Funds - 3%
Settlement Morale +5%
Last edited by Rexx Shredd on Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prizes for Events - [OPEN]

Post by Pablem »

Customs Report

Hello Captain. It's time for one of your..what do you call them...happy reports. This is the Customs House report on contraband seized due to either legality or failure to declare. The smugglers always think they are so clever, but your agents must be just as clever. Just look at the length of the report!

I've taken the liberty to have the legal items sold through local stores for our share of the profits. Do you wish to eliminate the illegal items through the normal contacts? I thought their fees were a little high last time, but finding new and reliable contacts is so difficult.

Very good, we will do it your way. The extra credits should appear in the treasury shortly.
Shipbuilder Pablem Chief Entrepreneur, Citrus Enterprises
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